Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

My hand was tight around Angelo's as I walked up to the huge doors that led into the throne room. We all knew Papa was in there waiting for us. He saw everything, he knew we had come. He just didn't know what for.

I took a deep breath, but it did nothing to sooth my nerves, as great as this plan had been, now I was having doubts.

"We are with you, Eve," Azula said with a smile. "The whole way."

Glacien took my free hand and squeezed it in encouragement. Angelo did the same.

"I have a question, Angelo." I said softly.

"Yes, Pajarita?"

"I was weak when I went to find you. How have I regained my strength?"

"Oh, that's easy. My wings."

"Can you explain that?" Virus asked, always the healer.

Angelo nodded. "Angel wings are infused with pure energy and light, Eve touched them and they replenished her strength."

"Incredible." Mortain said.

I took another breath, this one did calm me. "I'm ready." I said.

I let go of my sister and Angelo, then I pushed on the great doors with all my fresh strength. The doors swung back slowly and I walked down the hall, my head held high. "Father!" I called out in a clear, firm voice. I felt the formation of my brothers behind me, my sisters behind them and Angelo at my side, they gave me resolve to do this, and faith that if today went badly, I would still have my family.

"Evelyn, dear!" Papa said with a smile, walking down from his dais of thrones. "What a pleasant surprise!"

"I am not here for pleasantries and small talk Father." I said. "I have no patience for it."

"Very well, child. What do you want and why has the Angel filth been brought before me again?"

I stood firm as my group met in the middle of the room with the Devil before us.

"I want you to let him go." I said.

Papa burst into laughter, the kind of laugh that sent chills up your spine because you knew nothing good came from that laugh.

"Oh, Evelyn, Evelyn, Evelyn." Papa said as he clapped. "That was a truly wonderful joke, thank you. Now, for real this time, why is this seraph still breathing?"

"I'm not joking Father, I want you to let Angelo go."

The red eyes of the Devil lit upon me with new curiosity. "Why?"

"Because he saved me. He deserves his life. He has never harmed me and never will. He loves me, and I love him."

All humor drained from Papa's face. "What?"

"I love him, Papa." I said. "He took the oath, he is my guardian angel and has been since I was born."

"Evelyn Ashburn you are a Princess of Hell. You don't have a guardian angel."

I felt the lie more than heard it, my eyes narrowed. "Now, Papa, it is unwise to lie to your own daughter." I felt my eyes turn red. "Especially if that daughter is the best liar in Hell."

The Devil rolled his eyes. "Fine, I knew he was your guardian angel. But I figured if I didn't tell you then you'd kill him for me. Never thought you fall in love with him." His red eyes lit on Angelo. "If I remember correctly, falling for your charge is strictly forbidden, boy."

"I'm prepared to take responsibility for my actions, Lucifer." Angelo said in a polite tone.

Papa rolled his eyes. "Good, because my daughter isn't allowed to date angels. And you will never leave here alive."

Rage bubbled inside me. "You knew?" I demanded in a deadly calm tone. "You knew what he was and-" I stopped myself and shook my head. "That doesn't matter. I've made my choice. I'm going to be with Angelo. You can't stop me. My brothers and sisters stand with me in support. You have a choice, Papa. You can accept it, or you can choose not to, in which I will leave here and stay with Angelo in the mortal world."

A feral snarl erupted from Papa, he looked scary, but I had seen worse. "You dare defy me? Traitor! You are not worth my blood in your veins, nor the fires that bend to your will. You should have been born a spineless worm like your mother. You will never leave here, Evelyn. Your Angelo will die in front of you and you will be imprisoned for the rest of your natural life-"

Before Papa could say another word he was enveloped in an icy blizzard and frozen, a thick block of ice holding him as an angry statue, but it was melting fast.

"Run, Eve!" Glacien cried as she poured more of her power into keeping Papa immobile.

"Thank you!" I cried as Angelo dragged me out of the throne room. My sisters and brothers following.

"Will she be alright?" Angelo asked.

"Glacien is the strongest of all of us." Azula said. "And before Eve, she was Papa's favorite. She should be fine."

"Well I was his favorite," I said. "And look how he took this."

"Did you really expect anything different?" Virus asked.

I said nothing.

We reached the Great Hall and ran straight to the portal ring.

"Eve, remember how to blend in." Mortain said. "Only use mind control as a last resort. Get a job, a place to stay and clothes."

"I can manifest cash to pay for a place to stay." Angelo said. "And I can also manifest clothing."

"Remember to control your powers." Azula said. "Keep the house fires to a minimum."

"If you can get a place with a fireplace, do it." Virus said to Angelo. "If she is hurt fire is the best thing for her."

"Will regular fire work?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No. But even in my weakest state I am able to produce a spark of hellfire. It should be enough for any injury I may get." I turned to my family, a lump forming in my throat. "I love you, all of you. Thank Glacien for me...I'll see you soon." I hugged each of them. The solemn Mortain and Edmund. The silently crying Virus, Erik, and Azula. The sobbing and blubbery Errol and Isa.

I turned to Angelo, he must have seen how close I was to breaking down, because he quickly spoke. "I have small house in Rio that we can stay in for a while, we can go wherever you want after that."

I nodded my head and took his hand. My brothers turned the stone ring and for what felt like the last time, I watched the ring lengthen into the swirling portal.

"Rio." I said, my voice cracking.

The portal shimmered and revealed the cemetery lit with candles and offerings to the spirits.

"Goodbye Eve." Mortain said. "We will see you again."

I nodded and stepped through the portal, Angelo clinging to my hand.

My bare feet touched the soft Brazilian soil and I broke. Clinging to Angelo like he was a lifeline I sobbed for a long time.

It was done. Though they would try, I knew the truth. I would never see my brothers and sisters again, Papa would never let them come to the mortal world, not after what I had done.

For a single moment, everything had been perfect.

Now it had turned to ashes in my hands, like everything else I touch, it was destroyed.

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