Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I will save you the boring details of the shopping trip. As fun as it was I don't want to recap.

Still, Angelo is an amazing shopper. I tried on about ten dresses, all of which looked fabulous but he turned down each one. Being critical in the way a girl would but in a totally guy way.

It was fun but confusing.

"You're strait right?" I asked at one point.

He looked at me funny then laughed. "Yeah, just lots of sisters."

I nodded and then went to try on another dress.

We finally decided on a simple white dress. Cotton, flowed down to my knees, square neckline, short wavy sleeves that moved with the skirt, red statin sash, snug around the chest and waist. Perfect dancing dress.

When I came out in the dress, Angelo froze. His mouth popped open and his eyes widened.

"What?" I asked.

He didn't answer. Instead he got up and walked to me. He took my hand and spun me around, his face still a mask of shock and awe.

"Angelo what's the matter?" I asked, facing him.

"You-you look like an angel parjarita. Una hermosa ángel."

My face hardened. "Never call me that again."

Shock passed over his beautiful face. "¿Porque señorita?"

I can't back out now. I thought. "I'm not an angel." I said. "And I don't want to be called something I'm not. I'm not innocent, I don't have wings, and I'm not good."

Angelo just looked more confused, and for some reason it was imperitive that he know how I wasn't good for him.

I held his face in my hands. "Angelo I'm not good for you. You're only going to get hurt, and I couldn't stand it if you got hurt." I wanted to say more but he put a hand over my mouth and brought his face very close to mine.

"I know what you're doing chica." He said with a smile. "And it's not going to work. I'm not going anywhere, you can't scare me away."

If only you knew the truth. I thought. You'd be running screaming.

"Besides." He grinned and let me go. "I still haven't figured out who you are pajarita. I'm not going anywhere."

He looked me up and down again. "I think this dress is the one. That and these-" He pulled a pair of sparkling red shoes down from a wall and handed them to me. "You try those on and I will go pay the nice man who has been watching us this whole time." And he walked off with a big smile on his face.

I tried on the shoes that I hadn't seen before and they fit perfectly.

Again I asked myself, who is this man?

* * * *

When we finally left the store the sun was setting and I knew I should go back home, but I was still too angry at Glacien and I doubted that my sisters were very happy with me, better to give them longer to cool off.

So I went on this date with Angelo. The word still made me blank out for a moment and my breathing got faster.

As Angelo drove to the dance he was smiling and would grin every time my breathing sped up or I blushed.

The guy was perceptive, I'd give him that.

We got to the place and Angelo led me in. A hand on my waist, and that dreamy half-smile on his face as I struggled to walk steady.

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