Happy hatch day!

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Big mama was setting up the final details on the large party for her adopted daughter. The bright pink streamers, colorful balloons, and other details that would be fit for a young girl where chosen. It was not appropriate for the Teenage girl she had adopted.

The daughter was.... well, let's just say she prefers darker colors, silence, and less decor, and not the rainbow concoction Big Mama had chosen.

Now, it was the guest list. This was a bit more difficult. Eventually, the highest standing Yokai and mutants where invited. 
As the bright red curtains hid the prepared party room, the daughter walked out of her bedroom, wearing a dark blue hoodie and black sweatpants, her red and yellow markings standing out due to the dark clothes and her pale green skin.

"What's all the noise?" She asked. "Ah, Iris! I'm just setting up your birthday. I want everything to be flawless for my little girl. What food do you want there to be?" Big mama asks, smiling at her daughter, who gave her a dull look. "LOOK, all I want is to spend my birthday alone, eating ice cream and maybe even I don't know, AWAY from your horribly bright birthday parties for me." Iris said, her hands holding her phone, with the dark night sky with a blood moon for a phone case, a charm of a character hung from the headphone jack, a cartoon demon.

"Oh sweetie, this will be the best birthday ever, the best for the best girl." Big mama restated, making Iris face palm in annoyance. "Ughh... how do I put this in a way you understand... N.O. PERIOD."
Iris walked to the kitchen, Big mama decided to go with a classic, basically a feast fit for a princess.

The day of the birthday, Iris came out of her room, Big mama requested she wore a princess style dress. She went with a gothic style, feeling uncomfortable as she learned what bright colors and horrible color scheme Big Mama chose.

Mama's little hatching Where stories live. Discover now