He doesn't care

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Kim Y/n

2 weeks later..

Smiling as I arrived at the club, I need this to let out my stressing week even now I will see Koom but I don't care.

Today is Jimin's birthday and he invited us all to the usual club. Walking into the club wearing a really sexy black dress with cuts on my waist.

 Walking into the club wearing a really sexy black dress with cuts on my waist

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I really love the feeling of wearing dress that reveal my skin. especially to see Kook's reaction. I commited that I won't talk to him or interact with him a bit, I hate his guts.

"Hello boys" I walked to their area.

"Happy birthday Jiminahhh" I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He thanked me and just let me enjoy the party.

"My girls" I hugged them all one by one and I saw Kook's face darkens.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I heard Kook asked and I ignored him.

"So how about we dance on the dance floor?"I asked the girla and their face light up. I got glared from their husbands

"That's a great idea" Jisso squealed and when she wants to stand up Jin hold her firmly.

"Jinnnn!" Jisso smacked his hand.

"Let's go" Suram said when Yoongi isn't on guard , he's talking to Jimin and Taehyung right next to us.

"Don't even think about it!" Jhope said before Irene can even stand up. Irene kissed his cheek and whispered something to his ear and Jhope let her
go. I wonder what she whispered about.

"Let's go" I pulled all of them, even it was hard at first. We started to dance carelessly and just sway our hips.

"What the hell Suran!" I heard Yoongi dragging his wife away as someone is start ogling her. I chuckled but continue to dance with Jisso and Irene.

"It's been a long time since I get to do this" Irene said and I smiled to her.

"Let's party secretly sometimes" I said and she gave me a thumbs up.

"Im pregnant. I can't dance long" Jisso said and I laughed. Gesturing her to go and she went away but still we have fun. It's me and Irene now, suddenly Irene looked behind me.

"Ohh a hottie checking out on you" She smirked and I pretend to turn around to see about the guy she's talking about. I saw the blond guy went to me and smirked.

"Il let you alone girl" Irene whispered and she left me. The guy start to gave me a wink and I gestured him to come closer. We dance together for awhile until he land his hands on my bare skin
waist. I circle my arms around him and I smiled looking at his blue eyes.

"What's your name sexy?" He asked.

"Kim" Im not lying though, Kim is my surname.

"Im Alex , call me Al" He smirked and start leaning his face to me.

"What a sexy name to scream Al?" Im basically flirting with him and he start feeling my back withhis hands. I run my hands down his chest and he squeeze my butt. He pulled me and crash his lips
to mine, his hands are everywhere on me and I just missing this feeling,. making out.

"You want to go?" He asked and I crashed my lips to his when suddenly my body was pulled. I turned to see Kook is giving Alex a really deadly glare, Al looked at him shock. Of course he knows.

Jungkook, who doesn't?

"Let me go" I pushed his hand away and walked away, what a bastard. I walked back to where the others are, sitting beside Irene who is drinking her cocktail.

"What happen with the hottie?" She asked.

"What hottie?" Jhope asked and she ignored him.

"Kook ruined it" I hissed as I scanned the dance floor again.

"He's jealous"

"Jealous? He slept with other woman in front of my eyes and he dares to get jealous by me making out with someone?" I was more than pissed.

"Boys don't work like that Y/n" I startled as I heard Jhope said to us.

"How does it work then Hobi?"

"We're selfish , we think we can do everything while you girls dont. for example I don't let my wife get jealous but when it comes to her , I get jealous and all I want is to throw that guy who
dares to crash his lips to her. We work like that.

I know it sucks but swallow it Y/niee." He smirked and Irene kissed his cheek.

"I thought you're in a good terms with him?" Irene asked.

"I decided to stop. he's not worth it, 11 years I've waited and now it's time for me to move on"I sighed and take my cocktail.

"11 years.. I might get crazy first if I love Hobi for 11 years and he doesn't care" She said.

"I do care Irene Baby" He said and Irene rolled her eyes.

"Love hurts sometimes.. when I said I like this guys , he completely blow me off and I have to wait like an idiot for him to comeback"

"But I came back"

"Hush Hope!" She snapped and smiled at me.

"I suggest you move on Y/n, hurting yourself is for that long is enough" She hold my hand.

"Find a new hottie" She winked.

"Did I miss something?" Jisso asked.

"She's moving on from Jungkook" Irene mouthed so Jhope can't hear.

"Ohhh nice idea, find a hottie here" Jisoo said and I nodded.

"I am Getting married to Lee Minho in 2 weeks" I stated to them slowly and their eyes widen.

"'So the agreement was already made?" Jisoo asked and I nodded.


"Yeah, the invitation will got your house today or tomorrow" I sighed and sipped my cocktail.

"Have Kook heard this?" Irene asked.

"He? He won't care, why hoping he will care? Let him see me getting married" I pissed

"I bet he will get piss,if he saw you making out he got mad so I'll bet he will blow when he heard.

you're geting married"

"I didn't send he invitation to him though"

"You didn't?"

"Let him know by your husbands"

"Let's see what will he do" Jisoo said.

Suddenly I do want to know even I tried not to Care......


What will the reaction of Jungkook?? Find out in next Chapter..
For now Bye 👋👋

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