Had Enough

112 4 0

Kim Y/n

Walking through the hospital hallway wasn't my favorite, I hate the smell of it and I hate the feeling of it. Suran and Irene lead me to the 4th floor and walked to the VIP room. We stopped in front of the 411 room.

"You ready? If you're not we can go home" Irene asked.

"Im fine" I said and looked down.

"Do you want to go inside now or?" Suran  asked.
"Let's go" I put my hand on the doorknob and pushed in down. Opening the door slowly and walked inside.

I saw Yoongi look at me and his eyes widen. He stood up and I walked in. I looked at Kook, Lying on the hospital bed sleeping. His head was bandage, he has a lot of scars on his face and his face in pale.

"You tell him?" Yoongi asked his wife and she nodded.

"How about his condition?" I asked Yoongi.

"Doctor said his progress is a little bit slow , he's rarely talk these days and the doctor even said that his mind is not in a good condition so that's why he's progress is a little bit slower. He has been missing you , you know?" Yoongi said and I turned to Stupid asshole.

"He has been drinking a lot lately, he mention your name a thousand times" Yoongi added.

"He missed you Y/n, you may think he will be okay but he's not.'' Suran said and I still looking at him.

Walking closer to him and just observe his face.

"This is the worse state that I've seen him Y/n this is the worse" Yoongi said.

"Hobi said he has insomnia lately and he has been taking sleeping pills" Tears coming out from my eyes and my heart hurts a lot.

"He's hurting a lot Y/n, I know he went to you, but I bet it didn't turn out good" Yoongi  said.

"Why none of you tell me?"

"You're suffering from stress Y/n, besides it's his decision to not tell you" Irene said, I walked to him closer and just wanting to say that'I'm here and I'l take care of you.''

"Yoongi you can go, Ill take care of him" I said.

"He has a crack bone on his left leg Y/n, we have to carry him to the toilet" Yoongi added and that make me more sad about this.

"Il take care of it, you all can go. I'll take care of him"

"You sure?" Suran  asked

"We can sta-"

"Im sure, you all can have a rest" I smiled at them weakly. I sit beside his bed and just looking at him.

My heart breaks and now how am I going to move on? I just watch him, I don't know for how long.. until he opened his eyes and stare at the ceiling.

"Yoongi can you pass me a drink?" I walked to the counter silently and take a glass full of water with a straw. I walked to him nervously and he saw me. His eyes widen.

"Y/n" He whispered , I just silently put the straw near his mouth. He sipped it and I put it back on the counter.

"When did you comeback?" He asked and looking at me with bright eyes.

"This afternoon" I answered shortly and he just looked at me intensely. I'm not in a mood to talk, I just want to company him and take care of him.

"How are you?" He asked


"Have you eaten?"


"Y/n I'm sorry."

He said and I looked at him. I stood up and take a plastic bag.
Walked to him silently and take out the box. Set the table and put it in front of him silently. I took out the spoon and
opened it for him. I bought his favorite curry rice from his favorite Japanese restaurant cause I know he will eat it
even he's sick. I sit silently beside his bed.

"You bought this? Thank you" He said and turned to me. I nodded

"Y/n talk to me" He begged.

"Just eat Kook" I said annoyed, he sit straightly and I saw the bandage on his right hand. I sighed and walked to him. Taking the box and decided to feed

I know he's looking at me intensely , I feed him slowly. We both stay silent and I just can't look at him. I gave him water so he doesn't choke. I set the air conditioner temperature  up because the room is
getting colder.

"Y/n" He called but I ignored him.

"Talk to me please" He begged and I turned to him.

"I don't want to" I answered.

"Im sorry"

"Why do you always hurt me? Are you happy to know that I'm hurting Koom?" I asked cause I can't stand that my heart is hurting so much now.

"Im sorry"

"Promise me you won't come to me again in the future Kook. Promise me that you won't ruin my future. Promise me that you will let me go. Promise me that you'l let me happy" I said even it's painful and tears come out from my eyes. He saw that and he tried to get off from bed
"Y/n" He called.

"Promise me!" I said and he looked at me with his brown eyes full of hurt.

"I can't" He shook his head

"Until when? Until when you're going to hurt me? Until I die?" I asked and even let out a laugh between my tears.

"Im sorry" He said again.

"I regret loving you Jeon , I regret
every single thing that has to do with you" I said honestly and he looked at me intensely. He tried to get out from the bed, he's struggling because he crack his left leg.

"Y/n please" He tried to go down and I saw his right leg already on the floor. He pulled his right leg and put it down to the floor. He tried to stand up but he's struggling.

"I had enough, let's cut our communication Jk. I don't want to see you again" I said painfully and I
saw he shaking his head. I take my bag and ready to walk out.

"Y/n please hear me out" He begged and at the same time the door opened. I saw Jennie walked in with flowers on her hand. That make me want to burn them both in this room. I walked out from his room with Jk calling my name a few times

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