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Hey it's kiara 🩷

How are you doing?  I hope you all were doing well... Thank you for loving my previous story and my current story "The Maze" Yeah I know I am not updating these days and I am sorry for that. But my laptop has broken. And it went for repair.

If you didn't read it yet you can check it on my profile..

This is the poster of my story. 👇👇and I even made trailer of the story you can check it.. On YouTube..

Actually I came here for an ask I made an Instagram account where I will give updates of my stories

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Actually I came here for an ask I made an Instagram account where I will give updates of my stories... So, can you please 🙏 follow 👣💗 me there..

This is my I'd "@devi.v9911."

And please support 💪me guys... I really need your support.. 😊

Stabbed By Her 💔 #Wattys2023 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now