Chapter 5: Eagles Can Fly

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Y/N: Time for poems. First was Sayori messy and bittersweet poem then it was Yuri complex poem. After that was Natsuki's short and impactful poem. Last was Monika poem, it... I don't really know the moral of the poem. I watch Natsuki and Yuri gingerly exchange poems. Natsuki eyebrows furrow in frustration and Yuri sadly smiles.

Natsuki: (What's with this language?)

Yuri: Eh? Um... did you say something?

Natsuki: Oh, it's nothing.

Y/N: Natsuki dimissively returns the poem to the desk with one hand.

Natsuki: I guess you could say it fancy.

Yuri: Ah-- Thanks... Yours is... cute...

Natsuki: Cute? Did you completely miss the symbolism or something? It's clearly about the feeling of giving up. How can that be cute?

Yuri: I-I know that! I just meant... The language, I guess... I was trying to say something nice...

Natsuki: Eh? You mean you have to try that hard to come up with something nice to say. Thanks, but it really didn't come out nice at all.

Yuri: Um... Well, I do have a couple of suggestions...

Natsuki: Hmph. If I was looking for suggestions, I would have asked someone who acutally liked it. Which people did, by the way. Sayori liked it. And Y/N did, too. So based on that, I'll gladly give you some suggestions of my own. First of all--

Yuri: Excuse me... I appreciate the offer, but I've spent a long time establishing my writing style. I don't expect it to change anytime soon, unless of course I come across something particularly inspiring. Which I haven't yet.

Nstsuki: Nn...!

Yuri: And Y/N liked my poem too, you know. He even told me he was impressed by it.

Y/N: Natsuki suddenly stands up.

Natsuki: Oh? I didn't realize you were so invested in trying to impress our new member, Yuri.

Yuri: E-Eh?! That's not what I...! Uu... You... You're just...

Y/N: Yuri stands up as well.

Yuri: Maybe you're just jealous that MC appreciates my advice more than he appreciated yours!

Natsuki: Huh! And how do you know he didn't appreciate my advice more? Are you that full of yourself?

Yuri: I...! No... If I was full of myself... ...I would deliberately go out of my way to make everything I do overly cutesy!

Natsuki: Uuuuuu...!

Sayori: U-Um!! Is everyone okay...?

Natsuki: Well, you know what?! I wasn't the one whose boobs magically grew a size bigger as soon as Y/N started showing up!!

Yuri: N-Natsuki!!

Monika: Um, Natsuki, that's a little--

Natsuki and Yuri: This doesn't involve you!

Sayori: I-I don't like fighting, guys...!

Y/N: Suddenly, both girls turns towards me, as if they just noticed I was standing there. Just act like you were reading Marvel Mangaverse: Spider-Man (2002) #1 *fake reads*

Yuri: Y/N...! She-- She's just trying to make me look bad...!

Y/N: Looks like I got caught.

Natsuki: That's not true! She started it! If she could get over herself and learn to appreciate that simple writing is more effective... Then this wouldn't have happened in the first place! What's the point in making your poems all convoluted for no reason? The meaning should jump out at the reader, not force them to have to figure it out. Help me explain that to her, Y/N!

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