Chapter 7: Lunch with Yuri and Natsuki

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(Author: Stuff in parenthesis are whispers.)

Y/N: After fighting Rhino and failing I then go back home and do my daily stuff before school. I go out afterward. Not before saying bye to my parents. Where's Sayori? I hear a familiar voice.

Sayori: Ahhh... I overslept but I caught you...

Y/N: Only because I did the same. Hurry we'll be late. I still didn't tell her about being Spider Man but, I can't risk her spreading the word. I go over a fence to a neighboring lawn from a near by neighbor.

Sayori: *tries to follow Y/N and almost fails* Isn't this breaking in.

Y/N: Not if we don't break anything and instead use it as a shortcut. I started parkouring to school, jumping over fences, wall jumping walls, climbing trees and jumping off them until...

Sayori: Y/N!!! THE FENCED GATE!!!

Y/N: I saw a fenced gate because of construction. Follow me. I climb over the fence and get on the peice of metal that is getting carry by the lifting hook then jump of it and landed on the other side. Sayori almost fail the landing but, I grab her arms just in case she trips.

Sayori: Ahh... ahhh...

Y/N: Sayori was catching her breath but then I said... We're here. We walk to our class once the bell ring.
Miles: Did you catch Rhino.

Y/N: Yep... Kinda... I shouldn't tell him that me and Peter give him to Roxxon.
Y/N: It was lunchtime and I promise to spend time with Yuri and Natsuki. Apperantly Natsuki gets bullied for her size and when Yuri steps in to help Natsuki she too, also got bullied. Here it is, the classroom they go to, to eat lunch. I open the door.

Yuri: Hey, Y/N nice to meet you. I see that you made do on that promise, if you know what I mean.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah... Anyways, where Natsuki.

Yuri: I don't know... Anyways, I got a question for you.

Y/N: What is it?

Yuri: When we in the Club today can we read that book I gave you.

Y/N: I never spend time with Yuri so I should but... I made a promise to Natsuki and I'll never break that promise. Sorry Yuri I can't... I promised Natsuki but, I also made the promise to you so sooner or later.

Yuri: Oh...

Y/N: I tried to open a package of cookie but I couldn't because there's no flap. It seems like Yuri notice.

Yuri: Need help?

Y/N: There's no flap or openning.

Yuri: No problem *pulls out kitchen knife from bag* *slice open the package of cookie* *puts knife back in bag*

Y/N: Thanks, but...

Yuri: But what...?

Y/N: Isn't it illegal to bring a weapon to school grounds.

Yuri: I didn't think of that. Yeah, it help me open stuff but, what if someone checks my backpack...

Y/N: Don't worry about it... Just don't use it publicly and only use it for helpful stuff.

Yuri: Thanks for the support...

Y/N: Your welc-- Someone push the door open and we hear a familar voice.

Natsuki: What's up dummies. Excuse me.

Y/N: Natsuki scoots between me and Yuri. Where were you?

Natsuki: I was at the Culinary class returning something back.

Y/N: Oh...

Natsuki: Yep... Oh shoots, I forgot my lunch.

Yuri: Your lucky, I got a spare.

Y/N: Yuri gives Natsuki a spare, I wonder why Yuri knew Natsuki will forget as Natsuki starts to chow down. I eats mine with moderation until...

Natsuki: Yuri is a great cook... Try this...

Y/N: Natsuki stuff a forkful of food to my mouth. Natsuki was right about Yuri being a great cook.

Yuri: (An involuntary kiss?!)

Natsuki: Eh? You say something Yuri?

Yuri: Oh nothing...

Y/N: Lunch pass by as quick as ever and we go to class but, not before I say something supportive... Don't get bully and fight back.

Yuri and Natsuki: We will!!

Y/N: We left for classes... I can't wait for the club.
Author: Sorry for the shorter chapter.

Chapter 8 coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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