Rebuilding the Headquarters

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With the plans for the Shinigami Academy firmly in place, Blake Welton strode purposefully through the Soul Society, his aura exuding a commanding presence. He soon came across Byakuya Kuchiki and his team, diligently working to restore the headquarters of the esteemed Gotei 13.

As Blake approached, the air around him seemed to crackle with authority. Byakuya, ever the stoic and disciplined captain, immediately recognized the weight of Blake's presence. He and his team paused their activities and turned to face the powerful soul from Earth.

Blake's voice boomed with unwavering confidence as he addressed Byakuya and his subordinates. "Byakuya Kuchiki, I have observed your efforts to rebuild the headquarters, and I must commend your dedication. However, it is time for your team to redirect their focus towards a larger goal."

Byakuya's eyes widened slightly, sensing the shift in dynamics. He listened intently as Blake outlined his plan, his words carrying an air of authority. "I require your skills and the talents of your team to aid in the reconstruction of Rukongai and serve as instructors at the newly established Shinigami Academy."

Byakuya's gaze hardened with resolve, acknowledging the weight of Blake's words. He turned to his subordinates and issued a commanding order. "Gather your tools and follow me. Our task now lies beyond the mere restoration of our headquarters. We shall serve as the vanguard in shaping the future of the Soul Society."

Blake nodded in approval, a faint smirk gracing his face. It was clear that the power he possessed, combined with his commanding presence, demanded the respect and obedience of those around him. Byakuya and his team moved swiftly, aligning themselves with Blake's vision and purpose.

Utilizing the second restoring opportunity granted by the system, Blake channeled his newfound power into the reconstruction efforts. The headquarters of the Gotei 13 began to materialize with unprecedented speed and efficiency, each brick and beam aligning perfectly under Blake's commanding will.

Satisfied with the progress made, Blake's gaze turned to the summoning opportunity that lay before him. With an air of superiority, he activated the roulette, fully aware that he held the power to command and shape the future of the Soul Society. The suspense that filled the room was palpable as the wheel spun, each click amplifying Blake's anticipation.

As the roulette came to a halt, Blake's eyes narrowed, his expression conveying a sense of authority and determination. He studied the results, recognizing the names and faces of those who would soon be summoned into his realm. These individuals would be essential, for they would serve as his trusted lieutenants, executing his orders with unwavering loyalty.

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