Quirk Assessment

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The students all gathered outside, Aizawa introduced what they were doing today. A quirk assessment test. This came to the surprise of many of the students.

"What about the entrance ceremony?" The girl with rosy cheeks started, "The orientation?"

"If you're going to become a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely events." Aizawa responded. "U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes." The students stayed silent. "You kids have been doing these since junior high, too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your Quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their Quirks."

Optimus could see most of the students paying close attention to every word Aizawa said, but there was a few who seemed to be losing interest.

"It's not rational." Aizawa continued, "Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Bakugo, You finished at the top of the practical exam, right?" Aizawa looked at a blonde haired boy, Optimus recognized him from the day of the entrance exam, rude. 

"In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?" Aizawa asked.

"67 meters." Bakugo stated.

"Then, try doing it with your Quirk." Aizawa responded. "You can do whatever you want as long as you stay inside the circle. Hurry up, give it all you've got."

Bakugo stood in the middle of a big circle on an ground. "Then, well... I'll add a blast to the pitch."

Bakugo wound up his throw, and shouted one word. "DIE!" He threw the ball with the punch of an explosion behind it. Optimus could tell that Bakugo was going to be a trouble some kid.

"Know your own maximum first." Aizawa stated, "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." Aizawa showed Bakugo's score, 750 meters. This shocked nearly everyone, Optimus himself found it pretty impressive. The students started talking amongst themselves, stating like "This looks fun."

That seemed to trigger something in Aizawa. "You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time?" No one answered, "All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests, will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

This statement came to a shock to everyone, including Optimus. He couldn't tell if Aizawa was bluffing or not. As someone who has been in a similar place as Aizawa, he didn't believe in this "scare tactic" especially if he was telling the truth.

"We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to U.A.s hero course!" Aizawa stated with a smile. The students started to freak out, shouting about how unfair something like this is.

Aizawa had a symple answer, "Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. Japan is covered in unfairness. Heros are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to go talk with your friends at Micky D's after school, too bad. For the next three years, U.A. will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond, Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you've got." This seemed to get the students ready for anything. Then the tests began.

The first test was the 50 meter dash. Optimus used his quirk to open a bridge to the end of the dash. He jumped through gaining a time of 3.8 seconds.

Next is was grip strength. Optimus had the score of 460 kg.

The third was standing long jump. Optimus was able to jump far, but he was unable to to clear to sand box. After that was repeated side step.

The fifth test was a ball throw, like the one Bakugo did. The green haired boy, Optimus now knew as Midorya, went. He attempted to use his quirk, but Aizawa erased it to prevent injury. Midorya tried a second time, he still injured himself but it was only a broken finger. Optimus could tell he was improving, and he was glad that the kid hadn't done too much damage to himself, like in the entrance exam.

Then it was time for Optimus to throw his ball. He opened a bridge in front of him, then another to the farthest place he could think of, Aizawa's backyard. His score was over a thousand meters.

Afterwards there was sit-ups, seated toe touch, and long distance run, all of which Optimus excelled at.

Finally the scores, Optimus was saddened to see Izuku Midorya on the bottom. Aizawa quickly stated that he was lying about the expulsion. Optimus was relieved to hear that. With that the tests were over.

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