Final Exam

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These next few chapters are probably going to come out faster than normal because I have major inspiration for stuff in the camping trip and dorm shenanigans. It's refusing to leave me alone, so I write.


Optimus had completed the Midterm yesterday. He had aced the test, it was relatively easy for someone of his knowledge. Math and science are relatively the same no matter what planet or universe someone is from, so those subjects were a breeze. His favorite was the English section. Reading and writing about human literature was fascinating to him, and it brought him joy. History was the most difficult. He payed plenty attention in class, but without past knowledge to build upon, it was a bit difficult. It did bring his grade down, but he sat comfortably in the top 5 of 1-A.


They all stand outside, Principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa explain the new exam. Bakugo and Midoriya get paired together, but Optimus gets pushed into the pair as well. Optimus expected that the top student would be placed against a teacher by themself, but with this being partly about teamwork, it makes sense. All Might comes down from the sky, making a big entrance. He is the one they will fight. As the top hero, it makes sense he'll be against the group of three.

Optimus knows Midoriya's strengths and weaknesses from the internship they did together. He can put together strengths and weaknesses for Bakugo from the few times he's watched him fight. Bakugo is a skilled fighter and great at aerial movements, but his temper and past with Midoriya will make things difficult. He may not be completely willing to work with his assigned team, most likely going off to fight by himself.

With the options revealed Optimus takes them into consideration. Handcuff All Might or escape the site. With All Might's skills, a strategic retreat is the best option. In situations like these, regrouping to form new plans, father information, or get back is the smartest move. Bakugo will most definitely be apposed to retreat, but a distraction is necessary, maybe his hardheadedness can be used in this situation. Though this is all Optimus' plan, he's willing to let Midoriya take charge of the situation. He needs to learn to express himself more, especially to those he has reasons to not be fond of. He needs to learn to be a leader, but Optimus will help guide him if needed.

Midoriya has plenty of time to think, due to their team being last to fight.


The exam starts. They find themselves in a city. Somewhere in this city is All Might and somewhere else is the exit. Optimus doesn't know the layout of the city, and therefore, doesn't know where the exit is. This prevents him from immediately bridging to the exit.

Optimus notices a nervous expression on Midoriya's face. He gives a smile and nods. Midoriya rushes up to Bakugo, who's a little ahead, and starts talking to him about a plan. Retreat. Unfortunately Bakugo seems unwilling to listen. Optimus stays back slightly, just enough where he can help if needed, but also enough to let Midoriya take control.

Bakugo back hands Midoriya, sending him to the ground. Optimus immediately pins Bakugo's hands behind his back.

"I understand that team work is not your strong suit. But I suggest that you get this one thing into that head of yours. If you want to pass this you will listen to what Midoriya says! Is that understood!?" Optimus looks at Bakugo with a mix of anger and disappointment.

Bakugo struggles against Optimus, "Let me go, you stupid extra!"

Optimus had him in place. Suddenly a powerful gust of air comes right at them, destroying the buildings and bridges on the streets. The three of them fly back, causing Optimus to let go of Bakugo. All Might must have thrown a punch into the air.

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