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Optimus finds himself in the middle of a mall. He's never been to a mall before. It's massive, full of people and things to buy. Unfortunately he doesn't have any money and refused to borrow Yaoyorozu's, even with her constantly offering. Eventually everyone splits up to find their own things, leaving Optimus alone with Midoriya.

"So... What are you planning to get?" Midoriya asks.

"Nothing, I don't have any money," Optimus shrugs, "I also don't have a need for anything. You?"

"I don't know," Midoriya replies.

"Oh, it's people from UA, nice," a voice calls out to them, "I want an autograph."

The man behind the voice wraps his arms around Midoriya's and Optimus' shoulders. Optimus recognizes the voice, Shigaraki. The villain covered in hands that attacked the USJ.

"You're the one who got beat to hell in the sports festival, right?" He asks Midoriya.

"And you're the one who was hospitalized during the USJ attack," he turns to Optimus.

Optimus glares in return.

"Aren't you both students who ran into the Hero Killer in the Hosu incident, too?" He asks, "You're practically famous."

"You sure know a lot," Midoriya states nervously.

"What can I say... I'm just a big fan of you both. I can't believe I'm running into you again," Shigaraki gives up his facade.

Midoriya realizes what's going on as Shigaraki puts a hand around both their necks, threatening to turn them to dust. Optimus give Midoriya a small smile, hoping to keep him calm.

"It makes me think that is might not be a coincidence," Shigaraki smiles, "No, no. This feels like destiny."

*Ha... Smokescreen was always on about destiny, then refused his. I wonder if he finally accepted his path...*

"Oh, right. From your point of view, we haven't met since the attack on UA."

Midoriya looks close to attacking, Optimus pats his leg to get him to calm down, unable to reach his shoulder without Shigaraki noticing.

"Why don't we spend some time catching up, Izuku Midoriya and Orion Pax?"

Shigaraki continues, "Act natural. Don't make a scene. I'm just an old friend who ran into you at the mall. Calm down and wipe that look of your face. I think we should have a conversation, is all. A friendly chat. Oh, and of course, if either of you to run or fight me in any way..."

Shigaraki moves his last finger closer to their necks, as if taunting them.

"Well, it'll be fast. Soon as all five of my fingers touch you neck, you're throat will be the first thing that disintegrated. In a matter of seconds, you'll be nothing more than dust and powdered bone."

"If you do that here where there's so many people, a hero will come and catch you in no time. You couldn't escape," Midoriya states.

"I don't doubt that," Shigaraki says, "but just look at these sheep. Any one of them could use their Quirks and start a massacre whenever they wanted. And yet they're all here, smiling. They think laws and rules will protect them, because they assume everyone has their same morals. They're convinced nothing bad would ever happen to them. After you both, I could kill 20... 30... Maybe even more before a pro showed up and managed to stop me."

"Alright Shigaraki. Enough with the fear factor. Let's talk," Optimus says calmly.

"This is nice," Shigaraki chuckles, "a real moment. Let's go grab a seat and get comfortable, why don't we?"

They take a seat on a bench. Midoriya has calmed down slightly.

"When it comes down to it, I hate basically everything," Shigaraki starts, "But the Hero Killer pisses me off the most right now."

"Isn't he one of your guys?" Midoriya asks.

"Not technically, but that's what the media made it look like. And that's what my problem is. It's like suddenly, everyone is obsessed with that stupid Hero Killer. The attack on UA, the Nomus I released on Hosu- he upstaged all of it. No one's even given me a second thought. Why is that? Despite what he claims to believe, all he really did was try to get rid of whatever things he didn't like. What do you think the difference is between us, Pax?"

Optimus sighs, "The Hero Killer has morals. He's inspired by All Might, just like Midoriya. His morals may be clouded and he goes about them the wrong way, but he still has morals. From what I know of you, all you want is power. To be better than everyone, to cause destruction. No morals. Not to mention people know a lot less about you than the Hero Killer, they have less to connect with."

Midoriya agrees, "He's right. Stain also didn't abandon his mission when things went wrong like you did during USJ."

"Ah... That's like a wight off my chest. I see it now... All the dots connected," Shigaraki smiles, "Why he makes me so angry, why you both irritate me so much- everything makes sense. It's him, the problem is All Might. Yeah, yeah. That's it. That's the most rational explanation. I didn't see it, even though it was right in front of me the whole time. What was I worrying about so much? It's simple. He's why these morons are able to smile thoughtlessly."

Shigaraki's grip tightens a bit, Optimus hears Midoriya let out a strangled gasp.

"They feel so safe because that garbage pro is smiling thoughtlessly, too, as if there's no one in the who world he can't save. Oh, I'm glad we had this chat. I feel better. I can't think you enough, Midoriya, Pax."

Midoriya starts reaching for his neck.

"I don't need to change my ways after all," Shigaraki notices Midoriya's struggle, "Whoops, don't struggle, now. Unless you want to die. You want all these people here to crumble as well?"

Midoriya is clearly panicking with Shigaraki's increased insanity. Optimus is keeping close eye, making sure nothing happens.

"Uh, Deku, Orion? Is that a friend?" Uraraka appears, "No, that can't be right. Uh, hey. Let go of them."

Uraraka is clearly afraid. Before Midoriya has a chance to talk, Optimus opens a bridge under her, getting her away from the situation. Shigaraki realizes he's caught and lets them go.

"If either of you try to follow me, I'll get angry," Shigaraki warns.

Midoriya coughs, "Hold on, Shigaraki. I have a question, too. What is All-For-One after?"

"Who knows, really?" Shigaraki shrugs, "but here's a word of advice, friend. Be careful. The next time we meet, I'll likely have to kill you."

Shigaraki walks off. Optimus helps Midoriya relax and relieve his sore throat.

"Are you alright?" Optimus asks.

"I'm fine. You?" Midoriya replies.

"Nothing I haven't dealt with before," Optimus gives a reassuring smile.

"What?" Midoriya tilts his head.

"Oh. I uhh.. I just mean I was in a lot of stressful situations when training on my own. That's all. You know... With injuries and stuff." Optimus knows that's a horrible lie.


They file a police report and, at night, while they're exiting the building, All Might approaches them in his smaller form. He checks on them and makes sure they're both safe. Midoriya's mom comes over, crying. Eventually Midoriya is driven home. Aizawa is waiting not too far away to take Optimus home as well.


Damn, Shigaraki is talkative. Calm down, man. You have too many voice lines. You're as talkative as Present Mic.

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