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Authors note: In the next two or more so chapters there will be some more adult content. Just so you're aware of that:)

'Gloomy setting,' Felix says as we look around the dark bedroom. There isn't much in it. A bed, desk with chair, closet and a bookcase filled with figurines. A boy is sitting on his bed, playing games on his mobile. His hands are blue.
He sighs as he loses again at his game. He looks up at us as his eyebrow raises and he points at Felix. 'I know you,' he says.
'Not good,' I whisper to Felix. 'If he regains too many senses he could remember you when he wakes up.'
'So what?' Felix whispers back. 'He'll only remember dreaming of a celebrity right?'
I glance at him, back at the boy who scratches his neck. 'There's a story about you. You popped up in someone's dream, right?'
Shit, shit, shit, I panic. 'No he didn't. He's not even here!' I say as I open the closet door and shove Felix in there. 'See? Only the two of us.'
Felix tries to struggle but quickly gives up and stays where I put him. I look at the boy as he looks away from the closet, back to me.
'So, eh... Why the sad look?' I ask to get his attention away.
The boy stares at the ceiling before burying his face in his hands. 'So stupid,' he squeals as his ears and neck get red. Now I recognize him. 'Coin boy,' I mutter. I take a step away from the closet and take a seat on the desk chair. 'The world isn't over, just because you embarrassed yourself in front of a cute girl,' I say.
'Nobody understands,' he muffles.
I roll my eyes and cross my arms. 'How old are you? Sixteen? Maybe older? You're in that phase the whole world is against you, am I right? Now tell me. What's the real bother?'
The boy releases his face, but still won't look at me. He mutters something I can't hear. 'Speak louder please,' I nag at him.
'I couldn't kiss her!' The boy yells and I look baffled at him.
'I'm a mess! She even closed her eyes and I chickened out. I'm doomed to stay a pathetic nerd,' he rambles.
Oh god, another of these? I think back at the story of the schoolgirl and her crush. Highschoolers are a wild group with only two things on their mind. Crushes and sex. Preferably both at the same time, but not capable of achieving one of them without making embarrassing memories. I don't want to deal with this right now, but I also don't want the boy to wallow in his own misery. Better get to work quickly.
'Why did you give up?' I ask.
'I can't. I just can't. It's too scary.'
'Why?' I ask again. Patience...
'What if I screw up!' He muse.
'Why would I screw up? Why wouldn't I! I've never done it.'
Bingo! So predictable.
'Wanna practice?'
The boy now looks up to me with horror. Oh gosh, he's a prude. "I...I Can't...' he stutters.
'Relax, Remember, you're dreaming. You have the power in your hands. I'm just a piece of your imagination.'
The boy swallows dry when I say that. I get visible for him and I groan as I see a short skirt and stockings. Of course he would envision his highschool crush. I hate uniforms. Never had to wear one up until my last year of highschool and I hated it. The fabric is crap, the skirts are always too long or too short and who in his right mind likes to wear neckties. I immediately pull the tie loose and close my legs together to at least look a little bit girly.
'Welp, here goes nothing,' I sigh as I stand up and walk over to the bed. The highschool boy stares at me as if I'm a goddess with his big puppy eyes. I crawl on top of him. 'Give me ten, maybe fifteen,' I say to Felix who I hope can hear me. I hope the boy won't hold out.
I place my hand on his cheek and smile at him with his crush smile. The poor boy is frozen. I bring my lips closer and peck him on the lips. He blinks twice before he leans forward to me and kisses me back. It's sloppy and awkward. Just like how a first kiss is supposed to be. I grab his shoulder to push him a bit back. 'Slower,' I say as I show him what I mean.
The boy closes his eyes and follows my lip movement. I give him a little lick on his lower lip and he stiffens up again. I drill my nails in his shoulder to let him relax and he nods against my lips. I slide my tongue inside his mouth and fumble around. His breathing becomes hasted as his enthusiasm rises. He even tries to bite my lower lip and I chuckle at his adorable brave move. He puts his arms around me and his kisses get more needy. I can feel how his hands try to grab all over me, trying to hold me for dear life. He lets out a small moan and I know it's enough to push him over the edge. I push him down and pin both my hands besides his head.
A little overkill maybe as I wake up heavily breathing and gasping for air. It's still night as no light comes through my window. Thank god it was enough to wake him up. He'll probably have to rub one out, but hey, I know for sure it has given the boy enough courage to at least not chicken out next time he's with his crush.
I try to stay still and control my breathing. There's still a flutter of adrenaline in my system, but not enough to keep me aroused and away from sleeping. As trained, I fall asleep within a matter of seconds.

I'm still in the coin boy's dream, just not in his room anymore. I look up at the building where his room light is the only one on. As soon as a person I dream about is occupied enough with whatever keeps them content, I can roam free without too much interference. I can even zoom out to my preferred blank space if they're happy enough. That's why if I really needed my alone time in a dream, I tried to think of older people. They mostly didn't have much trouble when they're at the end of their lifespan. Or they just want some form of company to be there for them. Not a hard task.
I'm at a playground. I sit on a swing and wait till Felix will pop up. 'I'm here,' I say to no one around me as a street lantern turns on and shines light on me. Seems like a pretty solid clue for showing him where I am without too much work. I mean, there's only two light sources now and I doubt Felix would be stupid enough to go back to the awkward coin boy.
How long have I been here? Swinging is boring and cold. Especially when I'm still looking like a highschooler, wearing a skirt with bare legs.
'Took you some time,' I say after Felix appears after what seemed like a good hour.
He relaxes as he recognizes my voice. 'Sorry,' he mumbles as he stands behind me and starts pushing the swing.
'At least you got the hint I would be back,' I say as I stretch my legs forward to make speed.
Felix pushes me on my back and I can feel his warmth through the vest I'm wearing. 'Does this happen often?' He asks after a while of swinging without talking.
'The kissing, you mean?' I lean my head back and look at him upside down as he stops pushing and I just swing back and forth, losing the speed he helped build up. He looks away from me and touches his neck. Aw, is he feeling shy?
'I thought you were a fan of physical contact,' I tease him.
'That's different,' he replies back, still not looking at me. 'What I do is platonic.'
I let my feet down to the ground to stop the swinging. I stand up and go forward with my weight, still holding myself up with the chains from the swing.
'So what? You're human. Don't tell me you've never engaged in non platonic touching.' I turn around to him and try to hold back a grin. 'No, don't tell -'
'Shut it! Yes I have, you think I'm a saint? Don't look at me like that.'
I hold my hands in the air. 'Said nothing. Won't ask any further if it makes you that uncomfortable.'
'I... No, it's okay. I'm still a little flustered, that's all,' he says.
I walk to the monkey bars and climb up. 'Please be at least a little considerate,' Felix groans as he holds a hand for his eyes.
'Don't care. You've seen me kiss a highschooler. Seeing my underwear isn't that big of a deal. It's not even mine.'
As an answer a real monkey climbs up the bars and hands me a pair of joggers before running off to the swings. I grumble as I try to balance myself whilst putting on the pants. 'Happy now?'
Felix turns around and smiles at me before climbing up as well. 'Even if it's not your body, I see it as yours.'
'Gentlemen talk. Bet you've looked up before thinking of a solution. It's what men do.' I stick my tongue out to him and get a nudge with his shoulder. We stare at the building with only one room lit.
'How was it?' He asks.
'Sloppy. What else did you expect from a teenager? If I had a choice I would've gone for the more mature type.'
'You really don't have any shame with this topic?'
I laugh out loud and stare at the black sky. 'That's the freedom of being anonymous. Although I don't have that much shame in real life as well. I grew up learning that talking about sex is nothing shameful.'
I goofily smile at him and shrug my shoulders. 'And this is all a dream! I don't have anything to say about the mood of the person. Most of the time it's better to just go with it.'
'Even if it means doing intimate things?' Felix asks.
I nod. 'It can be fun. I had a lot of fun.'
'Can I ask more questions?'
I know I'm talking about a lot of personal things right now and honestly, I don't mind it. Maybe it's me being nostalgic of my memories when I was still in college when I shared a lot of weird talk with my classmates. Or maybe it's just that I really don't mind talking about it with Felix. So I nod again.
He seems to be thinking hard on which question he wants to ask first. 'How far do you usually go in dreams?'
'As far as comfortable?' I try to say it without my bluntness taking over. 'As I said, it can depend on what the dreamer wants. In this case it was just kissing.'
'And what if you don't want to do something?'
'That's difficult. To be honest, I've done some weird stuff and I couldn't do a thing about it. When I was younger it freaked me out. Later on I learned how much controle I had.' I chuckle a little. 'My first time masturbating was in a dream,' I say with a smirk.
The boy looks puzzled with the overload of personal information. 'Too much?' I joke as his ears get red and I laugh out loud.
'Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help but want to tease you,' I say, clasping my arms around my belly.
'I was fourteen,' he replies casually.
I stop mid laughing and look at him as puzzled as he was a second ago. 'What?' I ask him, not sure of what I heard.
'If you're comfortable talking about it, then so will I. I was fourteen when I discovered masturbation.' He looks rather proud of himself saying it without being flustered.
'That old?' I reply.
'What do you mean, That old?!'
'That's late! I was like, nine or something?'
His eyes widen as he hears me say it. 'No way. You definitely didn't know what you were doing when you were that age.'
'Did so. I kid you not,' I chuckle as he seems surprised. 'My parents gave me a book which explained things about growing up and well, I tried out what I read in my dreams as I was curious.'
'Yah, that's wild. I only did it because I was bored and heard about it from friends.'
We chuckle as our legs dangle off the monkey bars.
'I think one of us is waking up,' I say as I point at the three suns who rise up behind the building. I stretch my arms out and punch Felix lightly on his shoulder.
'This was a fun talk. Again, Sorry you got caught up in one of the lesser amusing parts and sorry for pushing you in that closet. I don't want you to get caught in doing these things against your will.'
'Is it bad if I say I'm....'

Dreamland is Blurry [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now