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The sound of the door wakes me abruptly up from sleeping. My eyes feel puffy and there are still streaks along my cheeks from my crying. I sit up and look at the officer who opened the door. 'Sir Lee? There's a visitor for you.'
I tug my hoodie off my head and try to tidy up my face with the ends of my sleeves as the officer steps away to let a small female look at me. 'Is this him?' The officer who conducted my second interrogation follows the female. She looks up to him to get approval and as he nods she bolts towards me. She falls on her knees before me and pulls me in a recognizable hug, bawling her eyes out while I wrap my arms around her.
'So it was one of those fucking idol scandals,' I hear one of the officers sigh as they step back to give us more room.
Only the interrogator stays behind and clears his throat. 'Well, both of you have had a turbulent night I believe. Shall we get you something to eat before we start talking again?'

I can't stop looking at her. Even if we both have puffy eyes and she pulled her hat over her eyes like a million times. I can't stop looking.
'Stop it,' she glares at me when I take the hat away to take another look at her face.
'Are you sure you're not the one with lenses?' I tease her.
She snatches the hat back and tries to pull it even further down over her eyes.
'Leave me alone,' she pouts whilst scooping up another spoonful of rice to stuff in her mouth. She points with the now empty spoon at me and then to my food.
The officer was so kind to bring us some simple convenience store food which we both almost devoured as hungry as we were. She had squirmed with a pained face when she tried to snatch the bowl of rice before my nose and she had told me to not worry about it. Which of course I did, but she reprimanded me to stop prying.
'Food first,' she said whilst forcing a smile.
It was so weird to see how she actually smiles. It still had some minor details I recognised, like how her left mouth corner always wents up first when she laughed.
'Shall we start setting up for your second statement, Miss Song?' the officer asks after we're done with eating.
'Can Felix be there as well?' she immediately pleads.
The officer looks from her to me. 'Only if he can promise to be silent. We need your statement, Miss Song. Mister Lee will have his taken after his management arrives. He can't interfere, or your first story will be held invaluable.'
She looks at me and points at my forehead. 'Make a fucking sound and you're done,' she says with a smirk.
'Was that a threat, Miss Song?' The officer raises an eyebrow and she immediately lifts her hands in the air, only to let out a pained sound.
'Foul mouth,' she smiles weakly.

'Did you ever meet up with the suspect before yesterday?'
I immediately have a million questions. I look at her and point at myself.
She shakes her head and talks to the officer who gives me a reprimanding look.
'Not intentionally, officer. I've seen the man maybe two to three times in total. He worked at the supermarket my parents shopped at at the time. That was... six years ago I believe.'
She sighs loud before continuing. 'He is maybe a couple of years older than me? I couldn't tell without light.'
'And did he ever approach you before?'
'No,' she stops and stares at me for a moment.
She did dream of him. Now I get it.
'Until last night I didn't know it was him. Only now do I recognise him.'
The officer nods his head as if hearing this for the hundredth time. 'Some of them stay undercovered for a decade before the victim even knows they are being watched.'
I shiver when he says that. There must be someone in this world who probably does the same thing with me as I accepted fame.
'So, let's talk about the night. This was the first time you came in direct contact with him. Is that correct?'
I turn my head to her as she grabs my hand under the table and gives an easing squeeze.
'Yes, that is correct.'
'Tell me the details. You stated you were asleep since ten in the evening, only to be woken up when your window shattered?'
'It shattered because of a stone,' she looks at me. 'A mossy stone. And I still don't know how that can happen as I live on the fifth floor of my apartment building.'
I squeeze her back.
'That's when I looked up and saw him standing in my hallway. He must've been startled by the shattering glass. I yelled at him, but he bolted my way to stop me from alerting the neighbors, I think. That's when he hit me.'
The officer writes down what she says. 'Can you confirm the following injuries? When he hitted you, it was once in the stomach before he tried to suffocate you, wherafter you hit him in the face with your right hand and he released you. So two bruised ribs, bruise marks around the neck and mouth and wounded knuckles.'
I blink twice hearing the details of what happened to her. She bites her lower lip before nodding. 'After that he tried to push me down on my bed to make a second attempt at suffocating me, but I bit him. I think he tried to pull his hand free as to why I have scratch marks on my face. After that everything is blurry.'
The officer looks at his papers. 'It is said that by then your neighbors had woken up, only to see a man in dark clothes run out of your house. That's when they found you, all worked up yelling and... cursing at him?'
I have to withhold myself from chuckling even though the scenario is deeply scarring. She definitely must have used her best arsenal of curses, I think proudly. I would've done the same.
'I-I was so over it. He had his six years of torturing me, now I finally had my moment to shout out all I wanted at him for what he did. I'm still getting worked up thinking about it.'
She's lying as I can feel her trembling next to me. But looking at her face I take a bit of my statement back as her eyes look like they could murder. The adrenaline definitely hasn't worn off.
'We understand your frustrations, Miss Song. As for why he never tried to directly contact you, do you have any idea why?'
'I... I think I've stated that before in the Japanese files. I honestly really don't think he wanted to be seen by me. Maybe watching from afar gave him more of a thrill?'
She has her eyes closed as if trying to understand the stalker's behavior. 'If I hadn't woken up tonight I wouldn't even know he had access to my apartment.'
'There were no spare keys,' the officer states.
'None. Only my landlord has one as far as I know.'
'Okay. So as for charges. You want to continue with full charges if the man is found, yes?'
She stretches her free hand out on the table. Her hand makes a clawing movement as she stares at it. Like she wishes to grab her stalker and hold him here. 'Full charge. And I want to be present at court. I need to show that imbecile he will never mess with me again or anyone else for that matter.'
Now she's angry. The officer leans over the table and stops the recording. 'Enough for now I think. I've got what I need. I assure you, Miss Song, we will find him. Now if you'll please wait here, I'll get you two something to drink and then our team member from legal matters will join you with the social worker.'
The officer stands up and together with his pile of papers he leaves the room.
'You okay?' I ask as soon as he's gone. 'I don't know what to say. You need to fill me in with the details. I can't believe all of that happened while I was here!'
She tries to laugh but clenches her arm around her middle as she growls in pain. 'You have no idea,' she exhales whilst smiling. The corner of her mouth shakes. 'It's all thanks to the deja vu effect we created.' She tries to sit up right while I grab her other hand to help her with that. 'And the fact you were there,' she scuffs. 'Only once. You'll hear this only once from me, Lix, but I am sincerely grateful for you interfering and throwing those effects at me.'
I smile brightly at her as we hear knocking on the door.
'But I still haven't forgiven you for all the other instances,' she finishes.

Dreamland is Blurry [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now