The final chapter

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There's silence. Her words were a lot more composed than what she practiced at home. She's tired of being angry and I can feel it resonate through the room. I am tired of it. We both want to end this trial with relief and security. I want to take her in a hug, go home, cuddle on the couch and leave this all behind us. I want her to finally feel ready to proceed in life, not dwelling on the nightmares or flinching every time her phone rings. Not being afraid to sleep as the only person in her mind was him for the last couple of days.
His voice is calm and clear. He hasn't looked up the entirety of the trial and seemed wandering in his own thoughts, but now his eyes are looking straight at Rue.
Suna grabs my arm as we both get goosebumps when the man chuckles.
'WHY?!' he says, almost yelling. 'Because you're like me.'
There's whispering around us and the judge asks us for silence while his lawyer asks permission for his client to continue.
What? I want to stand up, but Changbin jerks me back on my chair.
'Why would they let him talk?' I grumble at him, but Bin shakes his head and nods to Rue who is still frozen in her position. Half standing, half sitting, in the middle of her move.
The man chuckles again and his eyes go soft as he maintains eye contact with Rue.
'At first I was curious. You had that aura around you. It piqued my interest. After some observations it became clear. We're destined to be together. We're both dreamers!'
She hasn't moved an inch. With his words lingering around. Where any other person would say his statement is that of a lunatic, we know what it means. He knows.
With that he looks behind Rue and locks his gaze at me, his eyes squinted and his smile faltering.
'Until that little shit came around—,' he continues with a bitter tone. '— Getting aware and stealing you away. He doesn't deserve you. I do!' His nose flares up.
I swallow dryly, understanding every sentence. I'm at fault for ruining his magical world. He's blaming me for being able to dream as well. He amped up his sickening behavior because I got closer to Rue and he saw how the two of us grew together instead.
The compassionate deathglare this man gives me makes my legs feel like jello and I'm not sure if Changbin or Suna can hear my hitched breathing while I try to rub my shaking hands against my legs. Never have I ever felt fear emitting off myself like in this moment with the man glaring at me.
That's where everything goes fast.
The man tries to climb over the table towards me while his security guards try to grab him. He slips through their fingers and bolts this way. People in the room are yelling and trying to stand up, including myself. I'm almost falling as I try to scrabble up from my seat with the lunatic coming towards me.
Changbin stretches his arm in front of Suna to pull her behind him and yells to me to get back. Our bodyguards are on alert and form a wall around us while the judge yells for order in court. I'm already prepared to close my eyes for the incoming clap and the very next moment I hear a cracking sound and a bone chilling scream.

Within a second more security storms in and takes the stalker away. He is holding his face and I can see blood dripping down on the ground. He's trying to wriggle himself out of their grip to no avail as he gets taken out of the court, leaving people in distress behind. The struggling man is dragged away and it's like everything is frozen for a moment before reality sinks in again.
I can only stare at Rue, who has a guard holding her by her arm as if she's capable of snapping. Her gaze doesn't leave the stalker while he gets dragged away and only when the doors close behind him she yanks her arm from the guard and turns around to me. Her face is full of anger which melts as soon as she looks at me. She smiles and immediately scowls her face and looks at her hand.
'Mother-freaking-fucker, that HURTS!' she yells and we're all a little dumbfounded by her abrupt switch from anger to laughter.
'Ho-ly shit,' I hear Changbin say behind me. 'Did she just hit him straight in the face?'
'She did,' I sheepishly reply while I look at how she makes little jumps up and down whilst holding her hand in pain.
I can't help but grin and the initial fear in my body dies down in an instant.
'You idiot!' I yell at her.
The biggest smirk ever is what I get in return.

Dreaming? How?
I circle around to take the surroundings in. Big buildings rise up to the pink sky above me and it feels like a mirror image of the busy streets of Seoul. A goose with a mailman outfit honks at me to get out of the way and with that I bump into a person who has no face, but twenty clocks ticking angrily at me. I bow and apologize as I step aside with my back against a front store. It has been some days, maybe even weeks, since the last time I was in the dream world. Let's search for Rue.
I can't see a blurry figure on the streets. I envision a red thread to lead me to her, but nothing happens. Right... Maybe I need something like a GPS.
A beetle flies on my hand and starts glowing red. My first instinct is to swat it away. Red beeping insects? Nah, that's a game cliche for a bomb or something, but the bug doesn't bug - get it, haha you're no fun Felix... - and neither explodes. Rather, it glows red again and as I hold my hand up to take a better look at it, it suddenly glows orange.
'Ah, hot or cold game?' I ask while I lower my hand back to the ground and see the bug turn red again.
'Cute,' I mumble, looking down the street to figure out where to go first.
I walk past different shops and buildings, past people with all kinds of fingers and sceneries I vaguely recognize. The bug keeps glowing orange and eventually greenish.
'Am I close to Rue?' I ask and the bug immediately glows red again. 'No?' I say a little bewildered. 'Where am I going then?'
The bug glows green again and I sigh out loud. Apparently I have a different designation for now?
I walk and walk without getting tired, but my mind is still wondering how I am dreaming right now and that honestly tires me out the most.
I know I am with Rue in the real world. We were chilling on the couch, she was reading a book and I was playing a relaxing game. We don't dream when we're together, but now I'm here. Weird.
What's weirder is the bug which flashes green in a rhythmic beat and flies away when I reach my destination. Or at least, I think it is, as I recognize the café near the office.
Not wanting to wait for the traffic lights I jump over them and hold my balance when I land in front of the door. Right in time to hold it open for a couple of people with zippers for eyes and mouths. The zipper mouths smile as they walk in and I follow, shivering slightly with the creepy sight of these people. It'll never get easier seeing past these things.
There, in the corner, sits a girl with a blue bucket hat. She wears an oversized, black hoodie and has a recognizable black bag with her. She's not blurry and I wonder if there's a dream person around us who knows what Rue looks like. Also, whose dream is this then?
I walk over to her and take the seat opposite of her.
'Hey,' I say as we lock eyes. 'Who's the dreamer?'
She smiles and shoves her coffee towards me.
There are letters printed all over her fingers.
My gaze slowly lifts up to meet her sparkling eyes and with a wide grins she says;
'You're the dreamer and I'm the dream person. Welcome in my dream.'

The end.

Writer here:

So? What are your thoughts?

150 pages in Word. Over 94205 words. Written and posted in 10 months. The 1st SKZ fanfic I wrote.

"Writer....... Is this really it? No more shenanigans? No more trouble?"- Rue

Yes, my dear Rue. It's now up to you to live your life in the fictional world without being written for. Go ahead, enjoy:)

"Rue, it's time! Let's go." - Felix.

Thanks, my dear readers. Thanks for following this story and enjoying the ride:D
The next chapter will be some promotion for other stories I'm still posting or will be posting.
Again, Things will only be posted when finished;)
Thanks for enjoying:

Dreamland is Blurry!

Dreamland is Blurry [SKZ fanfiction]| Lee FelixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora