random vents pt. 2

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i just want to go home... but home doesn't even feel like home anymore. before, my home felt safe and comfortable, but now... it feels like a jail where i share a cell with the following people: my mom, somebody who never communicates properly and makes me feel like shit. then my dad, who is kind, but i feel like a burden around him. finally, my older brother, who i loved sharing memories with, but he's leaving me.

why can i never keep someone? wether it's a friend or a family member. please just stay with me. please promise me that you'll never leave me.

why do i overthink things? it's alright that they took 10 minutes to reply, it's just healthy space! they were busy, they don't think you're being a pain in the ass... right?

i don't want to be you anymore. you aren't a loving hero, you're a demanding villain.

i just want to feel loved. at this point, i don't care if i don't reciprocate their feelings for me. if i date them, then they'll never leave me because they think i'm great, which i'm not, but it's okay. at least i'll feel loved.

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