raise ur hand if u feel like shit

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raise ur hand if ur family is falling apart and you feel like it's because of you and you need to fix it, otherwise kill yourself.


raise both of your hands if you're never gonna see your older brother who ur really close to again bc he's leaving, you feel like you're walking on eggshells around your mom, your dad is slowly drifting away from you, and you're the unhinged, depressed, sewerslidal burnt out crybaby of the family and you feel like all of this and more is your fault and you shouldn't even exist because all you do is cry and make everybody around you feel like crap.


put both of your hands down if you keep getting told that your feelings aren't valid because you're just being too sensitive or you're just going through a phase, so you just shut the fuck up because you know that nobody wants to hear your dramatic whining.


put your hand back up if every time somebody tries to reassure you that it's okay, it just goes in one ear and out the other. you tune it out. you don't believe it. you can't hear them.


you can't hear it.

i'm sorry... but i can't hear you.

i can't hear you. :)

i'm sorry.

i'm being bother to everybody around me again. :)

i'm just being dramatic again.






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