Lunch suck ASS at this school

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Griffin's POV
I was walking to lunch with Finney and billy cause their now my besties because Bruce is having a terrible morning and yelling at me it's very very sad 😞. Anyway I sat at the table with Vance, robin, billy and Finney but oddly enough Bruce wasn't here, "where is Bruce?" I asked Robin pointed to the popular table where Bruce and Donna were laughing with the popular kids. "So much for a friend" billy said disappointed. The popular kids were the worst bullies to exsist. "Yeah, and the worst part was I was going to ask him out today" Vance said disappointingly "hey this stuff happens man" Robin said trying to comfort him by rubbing his back. "So this is why he was yelling at me earlier, he lost his feelings for the group" I told the group grabbing some of Billy's Oreos.  "He what!? I'm going to give him a piece of my mind" billy whispered yelled I tried to stop him but he was already at their table "hey golden boy!, you were yelling at griffin!?" -B  "yeah so? The dirt bag was getting on my nerves" -B. Y. Billy was about to swing at him but I pulled him away before he got the chance "why did you do that!?" -G   "I'm trying to help you!" -B
"Violence is not the answer" -V, we all stared at him then bursted out laughing. "Haha very funny" Vance said. Donna walked over to us "hey guys!" It was awkward when she was around especially with Finney here now "hey Donna!" I heard Finn whisper. Robin would always complain when she left, so a soon as she left he said "she needs to choose between the popular kids and us like what the hell!?" Nathan interrupted us saying he wanted to talk to billy so he and billy left to go to the bathroom. Donna walked over dragging Bruce "hi guys I'm back!" She said  Vance started blushing as soon as bruce came over while Robin started to get angry "why is he here!?" He asked her "well he wanted to apologize to griffin" Donna answered nudging Bruce "I'm really sorry Griffin! I just had a rough morning I didn't mean to take my anger on you!!" Bruce apologized so fast I didn't here the last thing he said ! "It's fine Bruce! I know how your mother is at home I forgive you!" I accepted his apology and gave him a hug "I'm sorry to everyone else too!" He apologized to all of us "it's fine" Vance told him trying not to blush, everyone accepted his apology "where is billy I really need to apologize to him!" Bruce asked "he went to the bathroom with Nathan" Robin told him "shit" Bruce cursed out then ran to the bathroom. What the hell was that? I never heard Bruce curse so randomly before, weird.
Word count : 487

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