Nathan got beat up 😈😈

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Bruce's POV: I barged into the bathroom to see billy getting beat up by Nathan so I punched him in the face and helped billy up then dragged him to the nurse "bruce?..." billy was trying to talk but there was no time he was already bleeding a lot, I walked into the nurses office with billy behind me. I didn't want to tell the others because they would make it a bigger deal then it is, especially Griffin.

Nathan's POV: I walked into the cafeteria and saw that everyone was looking at me probably because of the bruise on my face , I walked over to Vance a whispered "you're little boyfriend is crazy" and walked back to the popular table.

Vances POV: I wanted answers to a bunch of stuff and this was definitely most of them: why the hell does Nathan have a bruise, why do I care, where is Bruce and billy, did he just call Bruce my boyfriend, and what the hell is wrong with this school. I walked to the bathroom expecting them to be there but no, so I checked every classroom and bathroom still not finding them. Griffin walked up to me, "let me help.." he gestured. After looking everywhere we decided to go to the nurse and check just in case. When we walked in we saw billy looking like shit and Bruce talking to the nurse, griffin went over to billy and I walked over to Bruce because the nurse left. "What happened?" I asked obviously worried , "I don't know, I just walked into the bathroom to see Nathan beating him up. I was able to get him off but billy was already badly bruised so I brung him here." Oh? Nathan such a surprise... if I see that bitch again I will beat the living hell out of him.

Word count: 312

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