No Sleep

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Ezra spots me after his race, which he placed first in. He jogs over to me and I wrap my arms around him tightly as I tell him congratulations on his win. He thanks me, but seems distracted looking around at the surrounding people. I frown when I realize he's looking for Lando. Unfortunately Lando isn't here, he texted me last night telling me something came up and he has to stay in England to do something for McClaren. I'm not sure I believe him, because Charles mentioned something about him going back to Monaco.

"He couldn't make it baby. I'm sorry. I promise that you'll get to meet him soon enough though." I tell him with a smile. I'm anxious to talk to him about Charles' and I's plan for the next several weeks.

"Did anyone come with you?" He asks and I know he's implying Charles since I mentioned that he might come with me.

"Not to the race, no. But back at the hotel there is someone waiting to see you." I tell him.

Charles and I agreed that it would be better if he stayed away from the race since we've already been photographed multiple times. We both didn't want to cause a ruckus or honestly get any more photos of us out there quite yet. 

"There's actually something we want to talk to you about. So when you're all done here we'll head back to the hotel?" I ask and he gives me a bright smile and tells me he just needs to go talk to the team and get things settled with them, then he'll be ready to go.

About 30 minutes later Ezra and I are walking towards the Audi R8 that Charles' rented for our time here in France. Ezra asks if he can drive and I laugh at how he thinks that I'll actually let him. He begrudgingly climbs into the passenger seat as I step into the drivers seat.

"This is definitely an upgrade to your crappy car." He mutters as he puts his seatbelt on. I roll my eyes as I do the same and start the car. I tell Ezra to link his phone so he can play music while I drive us back into Paris to the hotel that Charles and I are staying at. After a few minutes, Ezra finally puts on 'No Sleep' by Martin Garrix.

"So what do you and Charles want to talk to me about? It seems very serious." Ezra asks after a few minutes of driving.

"It's about summer break. Charles has invited us to Monaco and Sardinia." I tell him not being able to keep it a secret from him any longer. I hope it is okay with him, because the more I think about it, the more I want to do it. Spending time with Charles is easy and if he's willing to have us create these memories with him in these amazing places who am I to say no? Besides, he's constantly telling me to let him spoil me.

"No fucking way!" Ezra yells in excitement.

"Language!" I laugh because at this point, why do I even try?

"Come on Mama, I'm almost 16! Let me cuss. I know you secretly think it's funny." He whines and I try so hard to not laugh but fail miserably.

For the rest of the ride back to Paris, which takes about an hour we talk about what we think Monaco might be like and how we're sure we'll stick out like sore thumbs there. By the time we are walking into the hotel Ezra is wired and ready to go to Monaco already. I have to practically drag him to the suite we have. When we walk into the room, Charles is sitting on the couch in the living area of the suite looking at something on his phone with furrowed brows. He looks towards us when we approach and his face instantly relaxes as he sees me, a bright smile coming across his face with his dimples on full display. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I wonder if I'll ever get used to him looking at me that way.

"Mon soleil, I'm glad you're back. Ezra congratulations, I was able to see parts of your race on my phone." Charles tells us as he stands up. He gives me a quick kiss on the mouth and then turns to Ezra and gives him a big hug. My heart expands 100 times over as I watch them together. They start talking about Ezra's race so I excuse myself to Charles and I's room so I can put my things down and freshen up in the bathroom.

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