As the World Caves In

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Jeremy left me in my room to gather my bags for me and when he comes back he invites me down to the beach with them for a bonfire, which I decline, opting for sleep instead. He leaves me to myself and I take a deep breath as I take in my surroundings and let my emotions come out. Tears silently begin falling from my eyes as I think about the phone call I had with Charles. Did he truly not know about the NDA? Does he actually want to be with me? If that's true then what was the last two weeks about? I'm so confused and I'm not sure what to do. Pulling out my cell phone that I turned off after my phone call with Charles, I turn it back on. Jeremy gave me the Wi-Fi password so I quickly put that in and pull up my messages with Kelly. 

Me: I made it. Jeremy is amazing so far. Thank you and Max so much for your help in getting me the job.
Kelly: Anything for you. How is everything else? Have you heard from him?
Kelly: He wasn't very happy with Max and I when we told him you were gone.
Me: His team sent me an NDA.
Kelly: WHAT? Didn't he tell you that you would never have to sign one?
Me: Yes. He claims he didn't know about it, but it was signed by him...
Kelly: I mean they could just have a stack prepared with his signature?
Me: I guess so. Idk he said he wants to be with me. But how am I supposed to believe that after everything recently?
Kelly: Maybe it's his team forcing his hand.
Me: Why are you on his side all of the sudden? What do you know?
Kelly: I don't know anything and I'm not on his side. I'm on yours. I just want you happy.
Kelly: He makes you happy when you two are good.
Kelly: If this is all just his teams doing, maybe you two can work through it and be happy again.
Me: If it's his teams doing, then it's never going to work between us.
Me: I don't want to be with someone who is easily manipulated by those around him.
Me: I understand his career is important, but aren't I important too?
Me: I should be if he claims he wants to be with me.
Kelly: You should be. Racing won't last forever.
Me: Well it doesn't matter now. We're done.
Me: I just wanted to let you know I made it to Jeremy's house and to thank you. I'm going to bed now. Talk later.
Kelly: Talk later. Love you!

I end up falling asleep shortly after that and don't wake up for 12 hours. When I wake up the following day around 10:30am, I'm thoroughly confused. I didn't realize I had slept for so long, but it's kind of good I did because my jet lag will hopefully be non-existent now. My body is sore when I climb out of the bed. Groaning I head into my en-suite bathroom and do my business. I splash some water on my face too to help me wake up and then head back out to get dressed. I'm immediately entranced by the sight in front of me. Last night I thought it was beautiful, but I couldn't really see much. But now I can see for miles, and holy cow is it beautiful. The sun is shining bright and the ocean and sky look so blue.

My phone chiming on my bedside table shakes me from my thoughts and I head to look at the notification. When I unlock my phone I see that I have a mass amount of notifications. Tons from Instagram, and Twitter, multiple text messages from Kelly, Max, Lando, and Charles. I need to figure out my cell phone today because I'm not going to be able to keep using this one without spending a ton of money. I'm about to open the messages from Charles when another notification comes through from twitter.

Here is what we know about Charles Leclerc dissolution with his PR team...

I click on the notification with furrowed brows because I'm confused about what that tweet could possible mean. When it opens completely I see there's a linked news article so I click on that and read a quick article about how Charles cut ties with his long time PR firm. There's a lot of speculation on why, but with NDA's involved no party can comment on it. It just says they agreed to go their separate ways and that is basically it. The article then goes on to list reasons why Charles might have ended his ties with them. The top reason being me and our relationship. My stomach drops as I read the comments under the tweet. So many of them blaming me, saying I demanded that be fire them after what he said about us in the media panel.

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