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"The paddock is buzzing here today in Hungary. The cars are coming out onto the grid as we speak. However our pole sitter, Devlin Hunt is having to start from the pit lane due to changes being made to her car that violate parc ferme. We wonder what Mercedes was thinking because they have given Max Verstappen and his Red Bull clear air at the front of the grid."

Devlin was shaking her head at her engineers. Her gearbox went out last night. They had not worried about it before qualifying because there was nothing seemingly wrong with it at the start of the weekend. It was just poor luck. She was starting at the front but she would have to duck into the pit lane after the formation lap.

Fabio walked over to her as he completed walking up the grid. She had caught glances of him chatting with Lewis and Pierre but didn't pay him much mind. She knew he would be standing by Mick in the garage during the race. That was if Daniel didn't steal him away to the Red Bull garage. Perhaps she should start a support group for her and Chloe. The Aussie driver stole more boyfriends and husbands away than anyone could imagine.

He gave her a quick hug and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Comebacks are always better than flat out wins."

She felt a small smile creep across her face. She nodded to him as he stepped away. She pulled on her balaclava as she watched him walk away from her. She turned her back to him and grabbed the helmet from one of the crew standing there with her.

Charles was starting in 5th next to Pierre. He walked over to his French friend as he held his balaclava in hand.

"What do you think he said to her?"

Pierre was pulling on his helmet. He reached to clip it as he replied.

"I hope he told her not to take me out. I asked him too."

Charles frowned slightly as he pulled on his balaclava. He was handed his helmet. Devlin had spotted him staring at her. He pulled his helmet down over his head and turned away from her.


"Devlin Hunt has done it! Ladies and gentlemen she has done it! She drove from last place all the way up to the top step of the podium!"

"Great race Dev. P1. Switch engine to position 3 please. Position 3."

"Yeah, pleasure as always. Mega work today by the team."

She felt a grin spread across her face as what Briggs said over the radio. Then Toto chimed in.

"Great race. They are investigating the move you made on Gasly."

"Fuck, okay. Great work by the team regardless."

When she arrived in Parc Ferme there was buzz about her move. She had left him enough room but he closed the door on her that was hers to close. She narrowly missed him. Fabio wouldn't let hear the end of it if she took his friend out of the race.

A steward walked up to her as she stepped out of her car.

"You need to move your car."


"You got a penalty."

"Where am I supposed to be then?"

"P4, Miss Hunt please move your car."

She glanced back at the cars queuing behind her.

"Please move your car."

"To where?"

Devlin slightly raised her voice, she didn't understand. Max walked over to her and patted her on the back. Then he noticed the steward.

"What's going on?"

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