10. A Deal

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I had the weirdest dream... I stood in the darkness, surrounded by an endless desert of black sand. There was no sky, nothing above me. Just a pitch-black void. Only one thing broke this miserable scene: a spot of bright, sparkling light in the distance. It was warm and inviting.

"Please... don't leave me... Michael..."

My baby boy... I turned around to find him. I couldn't tell if I actually heard those distressed words whispered to me over and over again, or was it only my imagination. There was nothing in the darkness, but I followed that voice, following my instincts, searching... My baby boy... I couldn't find him... but he was there. I could feel him right there... But where...?

"Stay with me..."

He was so scared... I had to find him! Why couldn't I find him?!

"You promised..."

I did, and I'd keep my promise... I just had to find him...


I could smell roses... That scent surrounded me. I had to be close. Yes, it was growing stronger, just a little bit further... Just a little bit... I kept turning and turning, searching through the endless sand, following the scent and his voice... But I... Where was he...?

I turned around again.

Ah, finally... The sand was gone, and so was the void above me. I stood in the middle of the most beautiful roses I'd ever seen. There were hundreds and hundreds of them, all different colors, the bushes tall and strong. My boy had to be close. I continued forward, though there was no pathway for me. I had to make my way through the bushes, but the large thorns didn't hurt me.

"Don't leave me..."

His voice was closer now. He had to be right there, right in front of me. I smiled and hurried my steps...


My eyelids had never felt so goddamn heavy. My body felt like it had turned into stone. I couldn't move anything. I couldn't open my eyes. I tried, but gave up quickly. I was so tired... I wanted to go back to sleep. I needed to sleep for a thousand years... Yes... Good idea... I just wanted to sleep...

I felt gentle fingers on my chest, caressing my skin. I could smell the roses again, and their scent was strong. And I felt something pressed against my shoulder. My baby boy... There he was, resting right next to me.

I fought back the tiredness. My need to hold my boy was much, much stronger than my need to sleep. It was a long, annoying struggle, but I didn't give up. I only needed to wrap my arm around my baby... I just needed to get my hand moving, but fuck, it was hard... I was so goddamn tired... My body was so heavy, cold and stiff, like a... like a corpse...

My baby boy sniffed and snuggled his head against my neck, curling himself tighter around me. Was he... crying...? He was... Oh, my boy... If only I could move... I needed to comfort him. His quiet sobs broke my heart. I had to... I had to fight harder. I needed to hold him. I needed to comfort him and make sure he was all right. I needed to make everything all right.

And finally, my body responded to my commands. It was nothing at first, just a flick of a finger, but soon I could move all of them, and more. I still didn't have much strength, but I was able to touch my boy.


My baby jolted up when he felt my fingers brushing against his back. I tried to say his name and tell him I was all right, that he didn't need to cry anymore, but the sound that came out of my throat was a quiet, suffocated groan.

Baby Boy || Gay MxM || OmegaverseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin