Chapter 6

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"I could've done that myself." She muttered gritting her teeth.

She slurred over her words and y/n used her wand to fix her buttons and face with another glamour spell. 

"Are you sure you're alright, let me help you."

"Nnno. Leave me alone, please. Ssorry for wasting your time."

He stepped in front of her to stop her from walking away again. He wanted to help now.

"I'm here to help Y/n it's my job."

"Thank you sir, if you hadn't stepped in he would've, well you know... He always tries it with me Sir it's nothing new okay but I have always pushed him off before..." She lifts her head to face him her jaw stiff. 

Snapes knuckled clenched. How could this be happening under the teacher's noses? He took a step back. 

"Are you drunk? And high?" He drawled looking deeply into her pupils.

His eyes dropped to her arm noticing the dark black hole infecting her veins.

"What is this, what have you been doing..." His words fell short when he notices her hide it, almost in tears. 

"It's none of your business. It's just something I need to do, okay, it helps." With that Y/n walked off, her legs faltering as she stuttered down the hallway her entire body shaking. 

She hid in the safety of the bathroom, sniffing another line to stop her shaking hands. She began to sob in her arms until it became morning. 

Draco walked in.

"I knew you'd be in here, I've been looking for you." He said eyeing her outfit and dripping mascara.

"Oh boo hoo poor little crybaby's upset." He jeered. 

"Shut up Draco." She stood up quickly as he approached her. 

He put his head into her neck, "But baby you look so good though."


His hand slid down her stomach to find her inner thigh.

Y/n mind flashed back to Lockhart last night and she pushed him back.

"What the fuck, I'm your boyfriend, I'm allowed to do this!" 

"Just not now, please. I'm done with you. This new personality you have is fucked, sort it out. But I'm not hanging around for it. What, what happened to you Draco? What happened to my Draco..."

"You, you're breaking up with... me?" He smirked the deadly glare back in his eyes. 

"You ugly, fat, broken, whore." He pushed her on the ground beating her over and over again until he noticed she wasn't moving. She felt herself fall out of consciousness as the pain hit her. She couldn't even be bothered to fight back. 

"Oh fuck baby I'm so sorry." He began to freak out.

Her eyes stayed closed.

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