Chapter 12

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Everyone slowly looked at her as she swayed at the entrance barely keeping consciousness.

The room went deadly silent as the staff all stood up.

They looked at her, top ripped, her wrists damaged to no avail, netted tights ripped open, and blood streaming out from in between her legs. 

No one knew what to do.

"Lockhart he... he did it. He came back to finish what he started. I tried to... fight... I couldn't... I'm so weak." She gasped each word out, breathless.

Mutters broke out from worried students as the teachers rushed their way over to her as she began to falter and sway. They grabbed her with strong and comforting arms holding her wrists together, holding her head up, while Snape lifted her and they hurried to the hospital wing. 

They looked at her sunken body on the bed. Madame Pomfrey has ushered all other injured students out quickly. Telling the staff she needed to examine her 'closer'.

She pulled the blind around her and Y/n but when she opened them again her face was deathly white. They all looked at her for answers. 

"He really did some damage to her. She is bleeding out from the inside of her uterus. Her body is bleeding internally now. 

Snape turned away and didn't stop the tears from falling.

Albus sat down on the next bed looking deep in thought. 

"The idea that this horrific incident happened within my school, under so many teacher's supervision deeply scares me." He utters.

"No one was there to protect her. I should've been there." Snape hissed looking at her sweet face. 

They watched as Madame Pomfrey used spells and medicines to heal her as best as she could until Y/n wasn't bleeding out anymore. 

Y/n looked so peaceful sleeping there. But her ripped clothes only reminded them of what happened. 

"Can someone please change her fucking clothes," Snape said in a monotone voice. 

Madame Pomfrey nodded closing the curtain again but there was no need. A few minutes later she gasped knocking over the curtain as she stared at Y/n's body in just her underwear. 

They almost choked in shock. 

Scratch marks, and bruises in the form of handprints all over her legs, stomach, and neck.

Madame Pomfrey identified the dried white liquid on the girl's stomach and told the teachers sadly. 

Albus gripped his wand, knuckles turning white while Minerva sobbed into his chest. 

The nurse quickly dressed her in new clothes to keep her decency. 

Snape stood there shaking in anger. 

"I'm going to kill that fucking man."

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