up and down.

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courtney barlow tried her best to never be noticed as that girl from total drama. she had grown out her hair, stopped talking to anyone and everyone around her, but was still noticed. she still managed to get good grades on her exams, and was doing very well in general. she had only started college at 22, around when all stars had ended. life felt well when she was almost done with her college years at mcgill university. maybe she could go on about a day off for herself and maybe even take a walk with a friend.


her phone got a text. she immediately clicked it nervous as to who it was, since it was a unknown contact.

its duncan

is there anything you need from me?

i wanna talk
about us

as nervous as courtney was before, she was pissed. about us? they had been broken up for years! she hadn't even talked to gwen after all stars and plain REFUSED any contact with the two of them! in her anger, she texted a "sure." knowing the period would've showed SOME kind of attitude. they made plans to meet up at a local bakery at 10am. she knew he'd be late. but she still got some breakfast and scrolled through her phone. read a few text messages from heather, studied a bit, until finally heading to the bakery at 9:50. suprisingly, duncan was there before her. she sat down across from him and looked him in the eye.

"you wanted to talk about us." courtney said agitated. "yeah, i did. so, i'll start with—"

"there is no 'us' duncan. we stopped dating, what? FIVE years ago?"
courtney cut in, not really giving the black haired boy a chance to speak. "let me speak." "he started again. "we weren't made for each other. you know that. and so do i. but the thing is that i wanna try again. we can keep it away from everyone. and i just wanna say, that i'm sorry for cheating on you. i get neither of us were ready for a serious relationship or anything, since we were 16. but regardless, that's all i needed to say." courtney was pretty surprised that he had made a pretty good apology, but was scared to just start over after seeing him again after 5 years. "we can... meet up at a bar another day. i don't want to start things immediately after so many years." she smiled a regretful smile but look sincere. duncan nodded and got up from his seat to leave. she decided to get some lunch nearby and thought about them meeting up. did she do the right thing? would she regret it? what would happen? what would the public eye think? the questions ran through her head. which is out of character for courtney. she makes precise, non-hesitant decisions that she doesn't think twice on. eventually, he thoughts sent her to sleep.


heather filed her nails after her most recent filming sitting next to linday, who was driving, and a super drunk beth in the back seat. "you good back there, hon?" lindsay turned and looked at her after stopping at a red light. beth nodded, half asleep. "her barf bucket is almost full." heather added. lindsay shrugged and turned into beth's neighborhood. she drove to her driveway and walked beth into her house while heather cleaned the back seat of lindsay's car. she heard brady walking her to their room and put her in bed, while lindsay's high heels tapped on the asphalt concrete. "y'know what i just found out?" lindsay smirked holding back a little giggle. heather side eyed her. "alejandro is gonna be the new love interest for your character. he's also the intimacy coordinator." heather's mouth dropped WIDE. she rolled her eyes and simply said, "here we go." while lindsay drove off.


tw: mentions of rape and drugs

bridgette felt as if her life was going... well. she was married, had a kid, had a pretty much picture perfect lifestyle, like an adult mary sue, but she wasn't happy. the constant fame surrounding her was overwhelming and she felt imprisoned in her own home. being able to make clothes for her past friends was fun to her, but it didn't get her mind off too much. summer was an energetic 2 year old, and most of the time, geoff and bridgette were home. bridgette was home less often since she usually had to go meet with the models wearing her clothing to fit them in their clothes, but otherwise, geoff was a stay at home parent other than after her bedtime when he left to go film his several tv shows, but only makes it back home at midnight, at the earliest.

"hey, bridgette." geoff said after coming home at noon. "where the fuck have you been?" bridgette said, very agitated while feeding summer. summer was very focused on blippi, so she didn't notice that they were fighting. "well, i only finished filming at 7am and i just decided to stay at a hotel." he said, pretty relaxed. "that still doesn't explain much! you could've gotten a taxi and came home to sleep!" bridgette stood up, now really pissed. "well theres something i never said..." geoff started, already nervous. "someone drugged me and ah... fucked me." bridgette stood up, putting down summer's food. "and they ended up taking my semen. i didn't see who, they just—" and that's when bridgette slapped geoff. "did you not resist? did you not see who? because if you did, im gonna fuck them up." bridgette was at her limit. there wasn't any stopping her now, and angry tears ran down her face. she stomped away and continued to feed summer but she knew that if she found out who it was, they would probably not see another day.


a/n: hi!! i rlly like this chapter and if it does have a spelling error / grammar error comment and lmk because i'll fix it as soon as i can : )

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