Chapter 1: A star is born

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The screams of Rhaenyra could be heard across the whole keep. It was a hard birth and the midwives were trying everything in their hands to assure the princess that everything was alright.

Obviously she didn't believe them. She had heard of her mother's labor with Baelor and she knew how it ended. With two bodys on the pyres and her as heir of the realm.

"And push". The midwife encouraged.

The maesters had been banned from entering the birthing chamber as well as her husband as a way of keeping her mind at ease. She wasn't gonna let anybody cut her gut and sacrifice her for the chance of having a male heir.

"And again".

After twelve hours of labor the baby finally came. Shiera Velaryons cries were potent as she finally came into the world. Her lungs were powerful and she demanded all of Westeros to know that she was here. But it could not be said the same about her eyes.

"A girl princess".


Even after such a long and hard labor Rhaenyra could only think about her baby, her little Shiera.

The midwives looked at each other trying to think of a way to tell the princess that her baby was born with clouded eyes. They all knew what this meant, their princess would never see her mother.

Finally Elinda Massey, who had been working as Rhaenyra's handmaiden for a long time gained courage to tell her.

"I'm afraid that the little princess has clouded eyes your highness"

At first Rhaenyra could understand what she meant, she was still delivering the afterbirth and the blood loss had left her a little weak.

"She is blind princess" Elinda said.

It was then that Rhaenyra finally understood the situation. Her daughter had been born without sight and she knew why. It was a punishment from the gods for the way she conceived Shiera that night at the brothel. Although she had told everyone that nothing had happened she knew the truth. And now she was paying the price.

"Give her to me"

The moment she picked Shiera she knew that she would do anything to protect her. She had already failed once and she wasn't going to let it happen a second time.

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