Chapter 6: sisters and trips

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Once they made it to the Red Keep, Aemond and Shiera headed towards her chambers. They didn't talk much, Shiera sensing that Aemond was a little bothered by his brother's childish ways.

When they finally reached their destination they saw that they were not the only ones there. Rhaenyra sat with her new baby in her arms talking with ser Harwin Strong who stood behind her chaise keeping watch over them. The moment the adults noticed the presence of the children they stopped talking and realized that something must have happened.

"Good evening princess, prince" said ser Harwin. His presence almost always Rhaenyra was totally normal for the princess and one of the things that most bothered the queen. It's  true to say that the uncanny resemblance between the knight and the princes created some gossip which were fueled by the queen and her comments.

"Good morning" Aemond really didn't want to talk to anybody but he figured that Shiera wouldn't appreciate him being mean. So he answered and tried to lead Shiera to her bedroom where they could talk without worrying about anyone listening. Obviously that didn't fly by with the princess as she stopped them with a single glance.

"Has something happened Aemond,?" She wanted to find out about it from them, not from court gossip. "Shiera?"

"Aegon tried to be mean to Aemond but it didn't work, the egg is beautiful" Shiera told her mother. It was true that she hadn't seen the egg but she knew that every egg was a wonder, something the gods had gifted the Targaryens and no one else.

"It's a petrified egg sister. He said that he found a dragon for me and gave it to me." Not that it mattered to him. His ñuha zaldrītsos loved him just as he was. Even without a dragon.

In reality the only reason why he was so bothered by his lack of dragon was that he thought he needed one to be able to protect Shiera. It was known that a Targaryen without one wasn't as powerful as one with a dragon. The thought of his princess  being hurt because of his flaws was hunting him.

And Rhaenyra, knowing how her brother was, tried to comfort him. He could seem unbothered, but she knew better.

"Well I think you should put it in the fireplace and see what happens. Who knows maybe the gods will grant you a wish" The look on her daughter's face told her she wasn't wrong at all and maybe there would be a miracle to celebrate in the near future. "And about Aegon, don't listen to him. This morn your mother lashed to him because she learned of my wish to take you all to Dragonstone."

At that both children went towards her with disbelief in their faces.

"Really? We're going to Dragonstone muña?" Shiera could believe it. She had grown hearing about the place where Aegon and his sister-wifes landed after The Doom and how they conquered the six kingdoms with their dragons.

"If I can conviene the queen, yes. But I can't make any promises" She really wanted the children to know about the history of their family and what better way to do so than going to Dragonstone.

"We can talk to father, he will like it, I know it!" It was true that Viserys wasn't the closest with his kids from his second marriage but thanks to Rhaenyra he had started to spend more time with them. Learning how to be a better father, even if he wasn't as healthy as he had been when his firstborn had been young.

"Alright I will talk to him but now you two should put the egg in the fire and then get in the bath. You stink of dragon" Saying that made her a little sad. Now she knew how her mother felt when she was younger. And the thought that her children would never get to know her made her a little sad. She would have loved them.

"Yes muña" "Yes sister" Both replied at the same time. Then, with some help from Aemond, Shiera placed the egg in the fire. Both feeling how it started to get warm.

With a last squeeze to her hand Aemond motioned for a maid to help Shiera with her bath, then bade the both of them a farewell before heading off to his own bedchambers.

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