Chapter 17: royal fight

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When they finally reached the entrance to the corridor they were faced with the twins.
They were still in their nightgowns and anger clear in their faces.

Baela, as the fiercer one, was the first one to call them out.

"It's them" She said as she stood a step behind her twin.

Feeling the hostility from Daemon's daughters, Aemond made a move to stand in front of Shiera.

"It's us" He replied nonchalantly as he eyed them. He didn't like the twins. They seemed too arrogant for him and with a sense of self righteousness that didn't feel good for him.

It seemed that Aemond's attitude of indifference to what in their eyes was the theft of their mother's dragon was not sitting well with them. So Rhaena, who was the one without a dragon and who had hopped to claim her mothers, took a step forward.

"Vhagar is my mother's dragon" Rhaena said as if that explained what the problem was.

"Well, your mother's dead" He said without much care.

"Aemond that's rude" From behind Aemond's back Shiera felt the need to stop them from making things worse. So when she heard what Aemond had said she gave him a little nudge as she let her displeasure with the situation and words being thrown.

"It's the truth Shiera," Aemond tried to defend himself at the little reprimand from his lifetime companion. Then, looking at the twin he supposed Rhaena was, he let his thoughts clear. "And Vhagar has a new rider now"

"She was mine to claim" Rhaena answered back. She really thought that her dragon had been stolen.

At her words Shiera rolled her eyes. It was a stupid fight. Dragons were free to be claimed and couldn't be stolen. The mere thought of that was stupid. Maybe that's why Rhaena had been the one to think herself right. So she tried to make her half-sister understand.

"Dragons can't be stolen so it meant that it was not your destiny to claim her. You should know that. Every Targaryen does." At her words she heard Aemond chuckling and she was sure that a smirk was planted on his face.

Feeling humiliated and angry Rhaena let out a shout and made her way to Shiera with the intention of harming her, her fist raised and ready to land on the small princess' face.
Obviously seeing this coming, Aemond moved ahead and intercepted her before she could do any harm to Shiera.
What he didn't see coming was the strength she possessed and the rage she felt because the fist that was originally aimed at the girl behind him had been received by him.
Letting out a frustrated yell at the pain and shame at being hit by a girl smaller than him and without training he pushed her to the ground. And since he had been so focused on one of the sisters, he had not been able to see the other one heading towards Shiera.

"Stop fighting! Leave Aemon alone! This fight is useless we are family we can't be turning against each other!" Then, what he did hear was the sound Shiera's voice stopping, the sound of skin against skin and a small cry.

When he turned what he saw made him see red. It appeared that Baela had punched Shiera in the eye and with the force she had fallen into a rock. The beautiful white hair that he so loved was now painted red. The slick fluid leaving streaks of red and pink in her locks. A bruise had already begun to form where she had been hit. The soft white skin that he used to caress when his eyes hurt was now turning purple.

At this he grabbed Balea and punched her in the nose causing her to fall to the ground as well.

Once he got rid of her he went to Shiera. The worry he was feeling right now was nowhere near anything he had ever felt before. He could only think about how happy they had been less than five minutes ago and how now, because of him, the most important person in his life was on the floor laying still.

When he managed to get to Shiera's side and saw clearly the damage that had been caused to her eyes he couldn't do anything else than ask for forgiveness. It had been his fault and now it was his turn to beg for his forgiveness.

"Shiera. Are you alright? I'm sorry. Everything's my fault. I shouldn't have said what I did. You were right. As always. Please forgive me. I know I don't deserve it but I beggin you." He felt as if he could cry right there. With her in his arms and the culprit at his back.
Shiera had passed out at the hit on the back of her head so he tried to scoop her and carry her all the way to the castle. Calling a maester was the only thing on his mind. Maybe he could try and find an adult to help him as he didn't know what to do himself.

But, as he tried to stand up with her, he felt a hand on his shoulder turning him around. The last thing he saw was Rhaena a dagger at him. Then he felt the worst pain he had felt when said dagger made contact with his eye. At this he couldn't stop it when Shiera fell with him to the ground. Then, with his hands free he placed them at his eye trying and failing to stop everything from hurting.

The screams of the fight must have been higher than they expected because, as he laid there in agonizing pain, the guard finally arrived. The twins had retreated to the side once they realized what they had done.

"Cease this at once! Get away!" Ser Harrold Westerling shouted as he made his way to the prince and princess. Seeing the princess unconscious and bleeding his heart skipped a beat. Pointing to one of the guards to take it, he focused on the prince. "My prince, my prince. Let me see."

Once he got her hands away her heart truly stopped for a moment. Where there once was a beautiful indigo eye now a carnage replaced it. Blood was flowing from everywhere and tears were mixing with it.

Ser Harrold didn't know how he was meant to explain now to the king that his son and granddaughter had been injured. Rhaenyra would also be a problem, he had served as her sworn sword until Criston Cole arrived to the court so he knew how she loved her family.

But what he feared the most was the rouge prince. It was not a secret that Shiera was his daughter. And the fact that she had been maimed and no one had been there to stop it and protect her was going to be a problem.

Now it was in the gods hands the life's of the guards assigned to the security of the young royals. And may them be good because a storm was brewing and it didn't look good.

"Gods be good"


I'm also in AO3 so if you want to read the updates earlier you should check it!

Have a nice day!

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