Chapter 16: first flight

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As Shiera stood before Vhagar the feeling of belonging started to brew inside her. Aemond had tried to warn her and convince her not to go near the old dragon, but she didn't listen to him. This time she couldn't. Not when she knew that it was destiny for them to meet.
It's true she couldn't see the dragon and her imposing size, but what she could feel was the old magic of valyria that oozed from her scales and floated around her. Shiera knew that what she was doing was dangerous and the fact that Vhagar didn't currently had a rider didn't mean that he would accept her. There were many Targaryens who had been rejected by dragons.

She could also hear Aemond whispering to her to go away and come back to him.
Shiera just turned around and waved at him to come closer to her.

Seeing that he had no other option but to go with her, if he wanted to ensure her safety, Aemond went to Shiera.

"Do you feel the magic Aemond?" Shira asked him.

"I do, but I also know that if she wakes up she is going to eat us for bothering her." The last thing he wanted was for Shiera to die because of his incompetence. He would not allow them to die at the hands of a mourning dragon. He knew about the bond between Laena and Vhagar and with her death so fresh no one knew what would happen if someone tried to claim her so soon.

"She was calling me. From the moment I came to this island I have felt her call. I have heard her song. She has been singing since Laena died. I have seen it in my dreams, Aemond." Shiera learned of Laena's death the same night it happened. The only person who knew about it was her mother and she had reminded her again that no one else should know about her gift. However, if there was anyone she trusted, it was Aemond. He understood her and didn't judge her for her dreams.

Without waiting for him to reply, Shiera began to move towards the dragon.
Once she was close enough, Shiera held out her trembling hand. The first thing she felt was the heat emanating from her body and the ropes that held the saddle to her back.

Vhagar, feeling the girl's hand, woke up with a start. Then, realizing who it was that had interrupted her sleep, she approached her carefully so as not to hurt her.
Placing her hand on her snout, Shiera felt the connection begin to form.

"Eman issare waiting syt ao" At her words, the dragon nudged and made a noise of recognition at the Valyrian language. Happy now that she had her new rider, Vhagar stood up and placed herself in a position that allowed Shiera to climb to the saddle without much trouble.

Feeling the movement and feeling with her hands as the dragon allowed her to climb her Shiera started her way towards the saddle.

Where they had left him standing, Aemond made a move to help her up when he made a noise alerting the dragon to his presence. Not knowing that he posed no threat to Shiera, she opened her mouth to let out her fire.

Seeing how her mouth began to light up with the flames, Aemond couldn't do anything other than throw himself to the ground to avoid being burned alive.

"DAOR VHAGAR. ISSA IĀ RAQIROS DAOR IĀ QRINUNTYS." At her masters command she extinguished her flames.  "Aemond are you all right?"

Dragons were known for their protectiveness towards their riders. The bond between them making their souls one, making them feel the pain of each other. It wasn't a surprise that she didn't want a stranger near them.

"Yes. Of course. Don't worry Shiera, I had everything under control. it was just a little misunderstanding." He wasn't going to tell her that for a moment he had feared for his life.

With the confirmation that he had unscratched, Shiera smiled and patted Vhagar letting her know that she had been a good dragon. She just wanted to protect her rider from a potential threat. Then, looking towards where she believed Aemond was, she extended her hand in his direction.

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