Nice to officially meet you

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A/N-   Hello loves! I need a name to call you all so comment some suggestions yeah? Enjoy!

Alessandra's Pov

I feel my legs burn as I run away from the blue-eyed wolf, I should've listened and stayed away but noooo I just had to go and get myself in trouble now we're going to die because of it. This wolf seems pissed that we're on their territory which is bad enough without adding the fact that they're fast as shit, there's hardly 6 feet between us.

Bella slows down thinking we lost them as we can't smell them. You guessed it we thought wrong, the wolf descends from the trees onto Bella's back, turning Bella and themselves into a giant ball of rolling fluff until they kick us off sending us flying into a tree. We whimper in pain as her back comes in contact with the tree, though wolf form is technically Bella's body we're connected so any pain and wounds transfer to me as well. The wolf flinches at the whimper and their eyes soften with...regret? But quickly they harden again and they stalk closer

"Bella...Bella get up! Run!" I screamed

My screams caused Bella to shake her head in irritation and began running again, the wolf chased after us, and we were back to square one. After a few minutes of being chased, we start to come up to the valley but instead of turning Bella keeps running straight for it

"Turn" I say, a slight quiver in my voice but she keeps running

"There's no way we're making that jump! Go around!" I start to get scared because she's not listening to me

"Turn...Bella turn!" I screamed and she finally makes a sharp turn right at the edge

The wolf did the same and continued on our tail. We kept on running and I could see the flat land part of the forest in view, feeling a rush of joy knowing if we get past that we'll be safe back in our own territory. Bella pushes on as fast as she can go but the wolf is faster catching a nip of her tail before we bolt across the border and the wolf skids to a stop, not crossing into our territory. We kept running all the way back to the pack house not bothering to look back, I spot my clothes by the tree and Bella shifts leaving me back in my body, I put on my clothes and walk inside the house. I see Mom and Dad in the kitchen as I walk in and sit at the island

"Hey kid, how was your run?" Dad asks

"Oh um good...It was good" I play with my fingers

'You ok?"

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?"

"Just asking"

My mom looks back at me from her place by the sink, she grabs a plate with a sandwich on it and walks over to me, placing it in front of me

"I made you a sandwich, thought you might be hungry when you got back. Dinner will be ready in a bit so go get cleaned up" Mom kisses my head and was about to walk away but she stopped and looked at me

"Where did you go?" She asks me

"On a run, what do you mean?" I reply with another question

"Where did you go on your run?"


"Why do you smell like another wolf? I don't recognize the scent" My mom asked and this question drew my Dad's attention, he came over and smelt me, damn it, the blue-eyed wolf's scent must've rubbed off on me when they tackled me

"You crossed the valley didn't you?" He asked angrily

"I-" I tried to reply

"I told you not to go over there"

Her Blue-eyed AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now