~Chapter 1~

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"Stop! Please!" I yelled, crying as my father started his beating. This time, however, was much worse. He was going on about how it was my fault for killing the love of his life, me living, and how it should have been me instead her.

He was right.

"It should have been you! I wish you were never born!" He thundered, kicking me on the side of the head. Somehow I stayed conscious, slowly and steadily getting up and stumbling towards the stairs to my room.
As I started up the stairs, he grabbed my ankle, making me fall and smack my head on the wooden stair, causing blood to pour. I crawled up the stairs my vision blurring, as I reached the door of my room, opening it, I hurried in as I heard my father's footsteps coming up the steps behind me.
I hurried over to the desk where I had a hidden pistol. Hid in my desk for either 'personal' use or in case an intruder comes. I pulled it out, but as I did, I felt something pierce through my skin in my lower side of my back.
As, I screamed in pain and quickly turned around, I looked up to see my father with a creepy smile on his face and he was crying like a lunatic. "I wish you were dead..." he said as he sat on my legs and started to strangle me with his massive hands.
As he did, I tried to get the gun, but failed as he kicked it away. I remembered the knife, which he had strewn to the side so he could go for the kill. I let one of my hands fall from his that we're at the moment taking my air, and slowly reached for the knife that was barely in my reach. Just close enough.
I weakly plunged the knife into the middle of his chest and his hand let go as he screamed out pure pain. "You BITCH!" He howled, falling to the side, grabbing his chest, trying to breathe. He started to slowly dissolve from my life as I repeated over and over, " I'm sorry....."

"It should have been me!"


I woke up from the nightmare slash flashback, crying.

"Wh-where am I...?" I said seeing I wasn't at my formal home.

"You're at the hospital, dear."

A nurse with brown hair, hazel-green eyes, and a warming smile said, walking into the room. I looked over at my arm to see an IV.


I remembered what happened and I teared up and looked at the nurse, "Where is my father....?"

She walked over, removing the needle from my arm, starting the procedure of bandaging it.

"I am truly sorry but, He was gone by the time help arrived.....may I ask you something, Miss...?" She said as her sad gaze turned into one of curiosity.

"My name is (y/n).. what is your question?"

She looked at me and had a slight look of pity in her eyes.
"Was you father abusive?"

I cringed at the question only to nod. "Also, your records say you are...218 years old?..... How could that be possible?" I looked shocked at her question. "B-but I'm only 18?!..." I exclaimed, confused on how that was even possible. She smiled subtly as she showed me the paper and said it was correct. "There are people like you. They are the representatives of the countries and micro nations. They all go to a school on a large island off the coasts of Greece. The government funds new representatives as they appear, so if you want all I have to do is make the call." She smiled brightly. "R-really...?" I asked, still shock. She nodded, giving me the brochure for the school. Upon opening it, I saw a beautiful school with forestry surrounding it, vines climbing and detailing all around the outer walls of the building. Cherry blossom trees lined symmetrically all the way to the doors. The school had a old Greek style, columns and designs of gods on the building.

As you looked at the details and architecture of the presidential looking building, the nurse came back with a clipboard with a couple of papers attached to it. She handed it to me, smiling. "It's your release forms and forms for the school. I'll be back in a few minutes to collect the papers." She said, handing me a pen. I just smiled and and started to work on the papers.


how was it my heroes/heroines? I'm thinking about putting the song Wanted by Hunter Hayes into the story later on. Yas or naw?

Anyerways, peace out my heroes and heroines!!!

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