Chapter 3

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"Hey, vait for us!"

"Dear Jesus this is gonna be a long day..."


I turned around, giving him a shy smile. "Yes Prussia? I really need to get to my do-" I was cut off mid sentence by Prussia's hand. "Say no more!~ Ze awesome Prussia will guide you there!" I sighed. "F-fine..." I sighed following the trio.

-an hour later-

We. Are. Lost.

My feet ached as we had been walking around the dorms for forever, Prussia failing at trying to find my dorm number. If I could had gone by myself, i would have most likely been there by now, or at least closer than we were. "How much longer? I have to get my dorm set up before the end of this month you know...." I said sassily, irritated that I was out for this long, knowing it would be dark soon, which is my least favorite time.

"Silence! Ze great Prussia will not fail! He will be the Hero!~" He shouted, smiling, me being able to smell his ego from where I was.

All of the sudden, I heard a door swing open and it a wall, seeing a tall, blonde male, with blue eyes, wearing a bomber jacket and a military type outfit, with glasses and a wide, heroic smile plastered on his face. "Dude! You know I'm the only Hero around here! Let me help the damsel in distress man!" He ran over quickly, grabbing my room number from Prussia.
"What ze hell America?! I want to save her!" He growled, chasing after her. The blonde male, which I'm guessing was America, laughed loudly. "Man that's my job! And bro you're looking in the wrong place so let me do it!"  Prussia, ended up tackling him, the two fighting it out.

I whined slightly, angry at everything that was going on, deciding enough is enough. "I'm not going to be the damsel in Distress anymore." I walked over, straightening my posture to look bigger, stopping in front of them. "Hey!" I looked at them, them stopping and looking up at me, confused. "Please give me my room number... I don't have time for this..." my posture fell as I spoke, rubbing my arm. I knew my anxiety would get to me, but hey, I tried.

"You can't tell ze gre- ack!" Prussia was about to speak, but was silenced by the blonde's hand shoved into his face. "But I have to be the hero, it's my job dudette!" He sounded sad at first, but smiled proud as he looked at me. I couldn't help but blush slightly, thinking it was kind of cute, but also kind of envying him. Him just having the ability to speak up, show out, and just be happy.

I don't think I've ever felt that feeling before, at least I don't remember it. Not since I killed the only person that loved me.

I sighed, looking at him. "Do you know where my room is....?" I smiled small at him, him getting up quicker than the speed of light, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. "Hell yeah! Come on, I'll save you tonight!"

I rolled my eyes, smiling.

A actually happy smile.

I'm glad I was sent here.


This one is kind of short, but I'm just know having to rethink what I'm wanting to do with this story lol, comment anything you think should happen and I'll write it in ❤️ love ya

Yours truly


Fallen But Still Risen (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now