|Çhåptër ²|

291 11 9

An hour later I was out of the hospital, heading straight to the airport. I didn't want to be in this state, or country any longer. To many memories and pains to remember.
The nurse gave me a ticket and a passport, turning out she was actually part of the government that dealt with this situation. But, I guess they knew I wouldn't refuse.


After a couple hours of waiting in line and people hustling around, I I boarded a private airline to the small country. The government must take this branch seriously.


3 hours later we arrived on the island, with nothing but some clothes the nurse provided me, my phone, and 2500$ the gov I'm guessing provided. I really didn't like being given things, but in this situation I really had no choice. I had near to nothing, and the nurse insisted, and I couldn't refuse her.

I walked through the large city part of the island, seeing a lot of shops and food joints, all coming from various countries. I walked the streets until I found the gates. Smiling lightly, I walked through them, going and opening the doors slowly.

I was in Awe. The inside was just as gorgeous as the outside, only a bit cooler. The walls were marble, having chiseled details of chariots, Greek Gods and Angels decorating the walls. There were students that looked of all ages roaming the halls, some my age, some older and some looking a lot younger.

I held my head down, my (h/c) bangs covering my (e/c) eyes. I continued walking until I found the head principal's office and knocked on the door. I heard a quiet 'come in.' That was muffled through the door. I entered the room to see a man with a small brown beard on his chin, shaggy brown hair, and a weird swirly curl that poked out of his head, one similar to my small curl, but mine had more of a slinky look.

He smiled as his hazel-green eyes sparkled in the light. "Ciao madame~ I am the principal-a of this fine school, Rome-a. But-a you can call me Grandpa Rome-a!" He said with the most sincere smile I had ever seen. 'Wow. An actual happy-go-lucky principal...' I thought to myself. "You-a must be the new student from America, correct?" I nodded. "The nurse said I was 218.... does that mean I represent a country...?" I asked, him nodding. "Or you represent a state-a or a micro nation-a." He said with his thick Italian accent. I nodded, sitting in the chair infront of his desk. "S-so what do I represent?" I asked and he smiled. "There is a new country that-a formed 218 years ago... no one has found-a the personification yet either-a." I looked at him. "What's it called?" I asked curious. "(Y/c/n).~" he said happily, making me smile. "By-a the way, the students here-a go by their country names, so I-a expect you do the same. You will start school tomorrow. Here is your schedule a key to your dorm."
I took both the paper and keys and bowed and thanked him. "Th-thank you Rome-Senpai..." I then walked out of the office towards the dorms.

Suddenly I ran into someone, hitting the floor. I whimpered a little, scared of getting scolded. "Watch where yo- who are you?" Said a loud voice in my direction. I look up to see a boy with white hair and red eyes wearing the school uniform with the Prussian flag on one of the pockets.
There was also two boys behind him one with brown hair, tan skin and green eyes. The other with shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes and a light beard. The brunette had the Spanish flag, the blond having the French. "I-I am s-s-sorry...." I said to the white haired boy. He just laughed a weird laugh that sounded like 'kesesesesese~' and looked at me fiercely. "I didn't ask for apologies. I asked who ze hell you are." He said in a thick German accent. I looked down embarrassed as I got up. "I-I am...(y/c/n)." I said remembering to go with my country name.
Once I said that his smile grew a little creepier, "Are you ze new country?" I nodded, slightly scared. "Vell, I am Gilbert but I go by Prussia. These two are France 'Francis' and Spain 'Antonio'." He said putting his arms around both of the boys' necks. "Ohlá Chica~" the brunette said, winking at me, making a pink dust shade my face. "Bonjour Mademoiselle~" The blond said blowing a kiss. I blushed slightly more as looked down. "I-It's n-nice to meet you three....." I said my curl bouncing. They started to whisper and laugh and I looked down more and started back towards the dorms.

"Hey vait for us!" I heard Prussia yell from afar.
"Dear Jesus, this is gonna be a long day..."

Fallen But Still Risen (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now