Chapter 25

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Jungkook's POV

I sat there in the same spot I'd been in all night just resting with my head against the door. My face was wet and mouth felt dry from crying all night. I felt like I'd lost a piece of me in releasing Jimin. I didn't know why he hated me so much. And I truly felt he wasn't being honest with me about the loss of the baby upsetting him. He'd always been rude to me, but the way I'd felt him retreat and pull back emotionally was so drastic. I closed my eyes and felt more tears leak out under my lashes. I didn't know what to do anymore. I'd waited my whole life to have Jimin. Chased him from the moment I'd laid my eyes on him. Scented him at such a young age. He was mine, why couldn't he see that? Why couldn't he accept that? Dad was right, I should have given my heart to a regular Omega. But I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Jimin had wedged his way into my heart and soul and without him there was just no reason for any of it. I thought I'd got up, cleaned up and got in the bed. Really thought I'd moved, but I was still sitting in the same spot. It was like some part of me was broken and my body wouldn't follow my brain. My tears wouldn't stop and my heart wouldn't stop aching. What made it worse was we had mated. Now both wolves had given themselves to me and Jimin still just left like it never happened. Like I didn't love him with all my being and make love to him. I hated myself for the way I was falling apart but I had no control over it. I tried to move to even wipe my tears but it was like I was just frozen, a breathing corpse, no will to go on but I kept breathing. 

As the sun started rising, I opened my eyes and felt a little more alive needing to pee. I would need to get up or I would just wet myself like some sad sick animal. I felt like a sad sick animal but I guess I had to move so not to be nasty...I guess. Really I didn't care but -

I sort of rolled myself over and my body felt limp and I barely had the energy to stand. I put my hand to the wall and managed to get to my feet and relieved myself. I couldn't be in this house anymore. This house represented the future of what I could have had with Jimin. The house we would have raised our pup in. I ran my hands through my hair and let out a long sigh and dropped my hand. I shut all the doors and left the house then ran off into the forest and shifted running towards my parents house. My mom opened the door and gasped and I just nuzzled into her as she knelt and pet my fur.

"Jungkook? What's wrong?" She asked gently as her fingers slid over my ears.

I whimpered and she ushered me in and shut the door. I eventually just ran to my room and curled in a ball on my bed and closed my eyes. I just wanted to close my eyes and not move and not think and not feel. Home felt safe. I didn't have to be a strong adult Alpha here. I could just be my parents kid and not think of my responsibilities or the ones I wasn't Alpha enough to take care of. I sighed and drifted off. 

A few days later my dad knocked on the door and I slowly opened my eyes.

"Oh...Jungkook. You're still in wolf form...and...have you been peeing in your room?" He came in covering his nose. "Oh son."

I whimpered and moved my tail to cover my face and he sighed and sat down on my bed...after checking to make sure it was clean.

"Is this about Jimin?" He sighed and rubbed my ears comfortingly. "I'm sorry son. I know the loss of the baby was hard and he probably took it bad."

I didn't really want to talk about it, I just wanted to lay there and feel nothing. 

"Maybe your mother and I could help you find a nice Omega. There are plenty that are unmated."

I growled low in my throat and he just sighed stroking my fur. I closed my eyes back and felt him get up from the bed and eventually leave. 

Jimin's POV

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