Chapter 03

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On the way home, the two girls had some talk from which Anila knew that Flora can detect people who have powers by touch, Aqua can read minds and what confused her is that all the kids' parents died in a fire. When she tried to ask her about Aeolus, she kept changing the topic of speech, when she asked her to show her her powers, Flora bent near a dead flower and made it bloom. They continued walking and talking until they finally reached home, Anila was not surprised to see her grandmother waiting for her at the doorstep for it was getting dark and she is usually home before the sun sets, she said goodbye to Flora and took her grandmother by the arm and entered the house.

They sat at the table and started eating when Anila said casually: "Aeolus says hi", the woman choked on her food and looked at her with big eyes "how do you know this name? And what do you mean he says hi? Didn't I warn you to not go near the river?"

"So you knew!" accused Anila, "you knew everything and you couldn't tell me, after all these years! How could you not tell me who I am! Is this why I never went to school? Is this why I was never allowed to have a friend? So that they don't see what I can do? To keep me a secret? Were my parents even my real parents! Are you even really my grandmother?" she snapped.

Isadora took a gulp of her water and called for her grandchild to sit next to her; she put her arm around her and said: "of course I am your real grandmother! This is not how I wanted you to know, I was keeping it till your next birthday, this was your mother's wish, she thought it would be better if you didn't know until your grown up, but now, since you already met them, I guess she would agree that I have to tell you."


Sorry for the late, it's been a busy week...

Curious about your opinions as usual :)


Nyx <3

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