May 10th (The shooting )

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     Today was supposed to be just a normal day at school until lunch time came.. Two classmates started shooting up the lunch room.. The two boys are Fred and Scott..  Scott is a senior and he is about to graduate. He's 17 years old and his friend Scott is 16 and he is a junior. I was so scared that they ended up killing 12 students. Two of the students were my best friend Sarah and the other was my boyfriend chris...   So after everything was done the shooters ended up killing themselves at the school..  During that time while the shooters were shouting up I called my mom because your girl was scared ..  My mom came to pick me up but the issue was no one was allowed to leave or come to the school.  I texted my mom telling her that no one was allowed in the school and no one was leaving the school...   Text to mom: Mom I can't leave school and no one can come in until the police know they got the killers."  Text from mom: Okay honey are you okay ?"      text to mom: I mean mom he killed one of my best friends and my boyfriend so of course I am not okay. I just want to come home and get away from this "   Text from mom: Well when they allow you to leave let me know and i will pick you up."   Text to mom : Okay mom I will
                     An hour later

                 Finally we are able to leave but we have to leave together not by ourselves..  My mom is waiting for me outside,  I am still crying at this point. I can't believe that my boyfriend and best friend are dead because two freak kids at my school decided to shoot up the school.. God I can only imagine what school is going to be like now...  When I saw my mom as I opened the doors and I ran to my mom still crying ...   " Honey you are going to be okay,  I know what happened was horrible  and I know you lost the two most important people in your life but I am here if you need anything" My mom said  " Mommy I just want to go home that is all I want " I told her and we walked to the car..  We got into the car and Chris's sis:ter texted me   Text from Chris's sister: "  Casey how are you feeling I heard what happened I am so sorry and we are all going to miss Chris, Did the Fbi get the shooters, I will be over later...   Text from Milly ( Chris's sister) :  The shooters were Fred Moore and Scott Mills and they killed themselves after killing everyone else...  This is just horrible...  Okay I will see you at my house..    I looked at my mom before she took off..  " Milly is going to be coming over once we get home if that is okay?" I asked her..  " Yeah that is fine," She told me.
   My mom and I finally got to the house. My dad is home as well. He had heard what happened. I guess my mom called him to come home.. I get out of the car and run into the house.  I opened the door and there was my dad waiting for me on the couch.. " Honey ." he said and I walked to the couch, and I sat down.. My dad hugged me and told me how sorry he was and that everything was going to be okay and then he asked me if they got the killers and who they were.. " Dad the shooters were Scott Mills and Fred Moore ,  one was a senior and the other was a junior." I told him .. My dad just sat there shaking his head .. " Those teenage boys had their whole life ahead of them and they did something like that ?" My dad couldn't believe that something like that even happened.. " Dad something  with those guys that wanted them to shoot up the school." I told my dad  " Like what happened ?" He asked me.. " Dad, I didn't know them that well." I said..   My mom walks into the living room. " Bill, maybe they were bad kids who didn't have any parents, or maybe their parents couldn't control them." My mom said ..   " Mom, can we please stop talking about this just for now." I said as I got up and headed toward the stairs to my room.  " Honey, where are you going ?" My mom asked me,  " Well I am going to my room ." I said .. " Okay if you need us we are here." she said .

   Well I am going to wait for Molly to come over  I will write more


Teenage life حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن