May 12th (nightime)

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Okay so at dinner my parents told me that they have talked about me going to West Mountain high and they said I could, which makes me so happy  I just know that this is going to work it just has to. I texted Molly and I told her that I was going to another school. Text to Molly: So I will be going to West Mountain high starting next week. I am so excited yet so scared...  Text to Casey: Casey are you sure you want to go to another school aren't you scared that there is going to be another shooting ?  Are we going to be able to still hang out too ?   When I read her text I just rolled my eyes. She was driving me crazy. I love Molly to death and of course she and I will still be friends and we can always hang out on  the weekends... Text to Molly : Molly of course we will still be friends and of course we can still hang out. It will have to be on the weekends but I could never replace you.. Since Sarah died, having you around has been very good for me , and I sent the text to give it an hour Molly will be over... Text from Molly :  Casey I love you so much that means the world to me and I will always be here for you no matter what you know that and you can come over whenever you want I know it will be hard being here but my parents miss you will you come over tonight please....  I read the message and it melt my heart.

   Am I scared to go see Chirs's parents because I am still alive and their son is dead, of course I am scared because I don't want them to hate me I have been so close to the family since I was in third grade and Chris and I were still friends at the time and we did everything together I would spend almost all day in the summer at that house because my mom and his mom were best friends when she went to work she would drop me off at his house...   Okay I guess I will go over. Let me send her a text telling her that I was coming over .  Text to Molly : I will be over in a few minutes. I can't wait to see your mom. I have missed her so much and I sent the text.. I grabbed my things and got ready ..  I then walked down stairs and my parents were watching a movie which was refreshing trust me.. So I walked over to the couch " Hey mom , dad I am going to see Molly at her house her parents want to see me and I haven't been over there in like forever would it be okay If I went?" I asked them " Okay you can go over there just for a little bit to remember that they are grieving  for Chris so please do not be a pest and annoy them Casey." My mother said  " Casey, be careful walking to their house and call me as soon as you get there." my dad said . " Okay dad I will ." I said as I put my shoes on and got ready to open the door and leave ..  I was walking down the road and Scott's mom and dad were having people over there and I got mad but I kept on walking Molly's house is right down the road from mine .. I finally got to her house and I knocked on the door.  Mrs Franks opened the door and all she did was hug me and cried. " Oh Casey, it is so good to see you ." she said as she was hugging me and crying  and then she let me walk into the kitchen  Molly was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes .  Molly rushed over and gave me a huge hug " Casey thank you for coming over and hanging out with me. I know it's hard being at this house ." she said and yes it was hard being here  but it makes us feel better." Molly said.

     Molly and I ended up going upstairs to her room. We had to walk past Chris's room. I spent most of my summers in that room. Molly shook her head yes because she knew that I wanted to go in there ..  I opened his door and I could still smell him.  His bed wasn't made, his bed was never made. I made it most of the time for him because he hated making the bed.. So Anyways I sat on that bed for the first time in a long time .  I felt at home I really did and then I just started to cry , Molly heard me cry and she came in crying too .. " Casey, I know you miss him. I miss him so much, yeah he was annoying but he was still my little brother we kinda grew up together." she said, still crying. " Molly I miss him so much I don't know how I am going to survive  school without him." I told her. " Casey, you will make it. I promise you I will be going to college next year. Please always keep in touch with me like a sister to me you always have ." she said .  I couldn't stop crying but I guess that  her and I fell asleep in his room next thing we know  her mother was knocking on the door asking us if we were okay . We didnt say anything because we were sleeping so she opened the door and saw us sleeping  and she put the covers on us and she left us to sleep 

   I am going to make breakfast  will write soon 

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