May 11th (nighttime )

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We just finished dinner by myself, my mom, my dad and Sarah's parents. They are still mad and upset. They have the same questions that I have: why did Scott do this and why  Fred did it too . Chris used to be friends with Fred in like third grade but Chris didn't do anything to him in so long they haven't even said hi to each other .. Fred and Scott ended up becoming friends with each other in fourth grade and have been friends ever since..   Sarah's parents looked so sad and alone I know how they feel I lost my best friend.  My parents wont even let me out of their sight because they don't want anything to happen to me. Last night they were talking about homeschooling me. That is not going to happen. I'm sorry and I told my mom that.. She goes what if something happens to you like another shooting happens and I told her that I highly doubt that is going to happen any time soon.  Sarah's parents told my parents told me that it would be a good idea  I don't care if there was shooting I am not going to home schooled so I would have to hear my parents talk about it over and over again I mean I know I am going to have to hear about it at school over and over again but at least I will be among friends you know.....

    Molly came over tonight too.. She didn't stay long, she just wanted to come over for a hug I guess she missed her brother so much .. Yeah I am glad that Molly came over but I just want to grieve   and start my life again.. This isn't fair, it really isn't.. God I just want my best friend to know what to say...  So my dad came into my room. I guess he wanted to talk. Can you guess what he wanted to talk about, yeah homeschooling .. 
  " Casey, you can stay home and be safer than me and your mom won't have to worry about you." My dad said .  " But dad, how would I be able to see my friends and get out  of this house ?" I asked him.. " Honey you would still be able to see your friends, they can still come over ."  My dad said , " But dad, would I be able to go out with them and go to the mall? Will I ever be able to live my life again? I mean come on dad the killers are dead ." I told him.. " Honey, just because the shooters are dead doesn't mean that there will be another shooting and you could be at the mall and a shooter comes in and starts shooting up the mall and you could get hurt ." he said.  " Dad, I doubt that  a shooter would come into the mall and start shooting ." I said..

      " Well just think about being homeschooled right ."  my dad said and he walked out of my room.  I am not going to be homeschooled and I don't care what my parents think or care I am not going to be homeschooled.. At all any ways I am going to watch  a movie 

  Write soon

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