EXTRA ONESHOT: Broken Then Fixed

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(lil extra for pride month – gay + trans ftm onceler x masc reader! i cant even verbalise how much i love this guy and this fic don't even represent it in its whole bc damn am i obsessed. i hope you enjoy my final piece, wonderful people! by the way, this is written in a completely separate universe to the one See You Again Someday was written in, i just saw no point in publishing an entirely new book for a short oneshot. alright, love you all!)

tw for angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of homophobia and transphobia. and also extreme cringe. because THIS is cringe.

(btw i recommend listening to the song while u read... ;) makes it more realistic yk)


I sat at the dance, my face in my hands in shame. I had come alone – forgetting you were meant to bring someone with you. People had made fun of me, and I thought about going home, but... there was a man I hadn't seen before. I caught a glimpse of him on the way in, and we made eye contact for just about half a second, but it felt like years. He was wearing extremely fashionable clothing, so much so that I felt my heart skip a beat or two just at the sight of him. A part of him made a part of me want to stay, so I did, but... I never saw him again after that. I sighed. I knew I didn't have a chance with him anyways, but... I couldn't get him off my mind. There was something so different about him. Something that stood out from the crowd... was I truly the only one who saw that in him? He looked sophisticated, smart, classy... my god, he was perfect.

As I buried my head in my hands, feeling my face go a little red at just the thought of him, I listened to the music playing. I smiled a little. "Careless Whisper..." I thought. It was one of my favourite songs of all time – it was romantic, tragic... artistic, in some sense.

I was getting a little carried away with my thoughts when I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. I looked up, red faced, and... that's when I saw him. My heart skipped another beat as he gently offered his hand to me. "Hello, handsome." He said flirtatiously. My heart almost beat out of my chest. "Hey..." I whispered back, seemingly unable to say much else. The man smiled at me. "Could I have a dance, perhaps?" He asked softly. I slowly took his hand and nodded, feeling a bit speechless.

"So, mister, what's your name?" He asked as he led me to the dance floor. I smiled. "Y/N. And you?" I replied. He smiled back at me, and I felt my face go pink. "I'm the Onceler. It's very nice to meet you, Y/N. Truly the handsomest man I've ever seen." He said, twirling me around a little and bringing me closer to him. I chuckled nervously, feeling like I was surely in heart attack range. "O-oh, no, you must be the most beautiful man in the world, Mr. Onceler." I replied quietly. My face felt hotter than the sun, but I tried to ignore it and stay casual. He smiled at my poor attempt at flirting and laughed a little. "Y/N, you're quite funny, aren't you? Would you ever consider being with a man like me? I know I mustn't be the best option here, but... would I have a chance?" He whispered. I nodded. "You most definitely would." I stammered in reply. The Onceler chuckled, grinning. "Good." He said, and suddenly brought his face to mine.

"You're mine now, Y/N, and I am yours. How about we seal that with a kiss, hmm?"

I couldn't even verbally formulate a response, but the Onceler could tell from the look in my eyes that it was a 101% yes. He gently rested his hand on my cheek, the silk from his gloves brushing against my skin. I smelled a sweet scent of alcohol and a hint of smoke coming from his lips, but I didn't really care if he had any bad habits or not, I was truly caught in the moment.

Suddenly, I felt my knees go a little weak as he kissed me, fully and passionately. The sound of people talking was drowned out, and all that was left was me, the Onceler, and the wonderful music.

I just... couldn't get enough of it.

As the man pulled away from me quickly, I felt a surge of joy, yet disappointment that it was over so soon. I slowly opened my eyes again, and saw that the Onceler looked... dissatisfied, almost. He was staring at the floor. I frowned. "Are you okay...?" I asked softly, concerned. He looked frustrated, pissed off... and then he locked eyes with me.

"Family was damn right." He said coldly. "I am a disappointment."

Suddenly, the Onceler began to walk off. I tried following after him, but he was certainly quite the speed-walker. I sighed. He was so special, too... oh. I saw the room he went into.

"Um, Onceler...?" I asked slowly as I walked in the room. The man, who I had only just met, looked back at me, tears in his eyes. I felt my heart break a little as I approached him. "Hey, what's up?" I asked softly. He was sitting down on a couch, so I sat next to him.

"Y/N, it's just... you're different. I know we just met, but the second I locked eyes with you, I... I knew... but... look, don't take this personally and all, Y/N, but I can't be with you. Sorry. That's sorta it."

I looked at him. He looked ashamed of himself, like how I felt only a few moments ago when I had my face in my hands, alone. Then he came to me. But he sounded different now – more defensive, less casual... it was like he suddenly put his guard up. I realized I needed to help him. To repay him, for helping me. He was so... wonderful.

"Hey, it's okay..." I replied, and gave him a comforting smile. I saw his face go a bit pink as he smiled back at me weakly. I could tell he wanted to tell me what was wrong, so I gave him the time he needed.

"I... I WANT to be with you, though. I want to stop falling in love with random people and then getting ashamed and having to call it off. But it's my damn family, Y/N. Whatever I do, I can never seem to make them proud of me..."

He looked at me, tearing up.

"...it's not like they support gay people, either. They beat me up about it. I just wish they'd go away and let me live my life, but instead they're just control freaks. I still love them, it's just... I'll never be able to pursue the relationship I want."

I looked at the floor a little, feeling my heart sink. I felt so bad for him. I looked back up at him, and saw the sheer hurt in his eyes. His guard was down. He looked like such a different man now – gone was the sophisticated and confident persona he had on the outside, and his true, broken colours were showing.

"G-god damn it, Y/N, it's not like I was born this way, either! They only call me their son around others so they don't seem transphobic, and then when we're alone, they, they-"

Before I knew it, my arms were around him. It was sudden, and I could sense he was a bit shocked, but he gently eased into it, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"Thank you, Y/N..." He whispered, his voice wavering.

"Everything's gonna be okay. You're beautiful just the way you are. Gay, trans, I don't care. I love you. I know it's soon to say that, but you're the definition of perfect. You are wonderful, and amazing, and I'm not saying that just to make you feel better, I'm not being shallow – I'm being genuine. Who gives a crap what your family thinks? It won't change who you are."

I took a deep breath and looked up at him with a smile.

"Just surround yourself with people who love you and see you for who you are. If you don't have anybody like that..."

"...well, now you do. <3"

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