Wolf Of The Cave

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"You said you were going to the river!" Kate says angrily as the pups are back at home.

"Well we did travel to the river." Stinky says.

"And Stinky has the dog paddle to prove it!" Clawdette says.

"I saw something coming and freaked out and then I fell. But I survived." Stinky says as Kate sighs.

"Oh pups enough with that forest. Can't you stick to chasing butterflies in the valley? Or playing in of the cave." Kate says.

"Playing what?" Stinky asks.

"Well you play... howl." Kate says.

"Oh you mean like howling every 15 minutes so you can locate us?" Stinky says.

"No. On the hour will do." Kate says.

"What's next? A leash?" Clawdette asks.

"Okay guys. Look your mother is just trying to make sure that you don't.. you know get into a... situation." Humphrey says.

"Again." Alexis says.

"Didn't you two get into a lot of situations?" Clawdette asks as she looks at Humphrey and Kate.

"But I wouldn't say it led to bad things. Well not in the end at least." Runt says as Kate and Humphrey give nervous looks.


"Hey mom, dad... Uh where are the pups?" Alexis asks as she is in the cave and sees Humphrey and Kate walk in without the pups.

"They wanted to explore... alone." Humphrey says.

"But we have Marcel and Paddy on their trail to keep them out of trouble." Kate says.

"You're certain that is gonna work?" Alexis asks unsurely.

"I guess you got a point. Could you follow them? You're much better at staying unnoticed than your father and me. One of the proud moments of being a parent is when your pup surpasses your own skill." Kate says as Alexis nuzzles her and Humphrey.

"Don't worry. I'll keep an eye out for them." Alexis says as she runs off.


"Runt I swear what is with you and this forest?" Alexis asks as she is following Runt's trail in the Shadow Forest.

"So I really am free to leave right?" A voice asks as Alexis stops and sees Runt at a cave entrance up high with a light colored wolf.

"Yes. Come back tomorrow please. But move quickly." The wolf says as Runt jumps down the rocks.

"Who is that wolf?" Alexis asks before she sees Runt running her way and quickly hides in a nearby bush before coming out after he passes by and heading toward the cave.

"Hello! Anyone there?" Alexis asks as she goes toward the rocks and cave.

"Who are you?" The wolf asks curiously.

"My name is Alexis. That pup you just met is my little brother Runt." Alexis says.

"You're friends with him?" The wolf asks.

"Yes. Who are you?" Alexis asks.

"You shouldn't be outside. Come in here. Quickly. If you're that pup's friend I'll allow you visitation." The wolf says before Alexis jumps up the rocks and to the cave entrance.


"So that ghost thing is only protecting you?" Alexis asks as she is sitting with Daria with the cave.

"Yes. That is why it does not like strangers." Daria says.

"Hello?" A voice asks as Alexis backs away from the cave entrance.

"That's my brother." Alexis says.

"He came back." Daria says.

"Um excuse me? Sorry to brother you so late. I need to tell you something." Runt says as Alexis and Daria see him up in a tree with the ghost behind him.

"Oh no. That ghost. It's behind him." Alexis says worriedly before Daria nods and steps forward for Runt to see her.

"Come here." Daria says before Runt jumps into the cave.

"Runt. Thank goodness." Alexis says as she goes over to Runt.

"Alexis? What are you doing here?" Runt asks as Alexis nuzzles him.

"Long story. I'll explain later." Alexis says.

"Are you hiding from another pack?" Runt asks.

"Yes. Because uh-" Daria then gets cut off by Runt.

"Because a wolf who can not see isn't considered useful to some?" Runt asks.

"Yes." Daria says sadly as Alexis looks at her sadly.

"How did you know Daria was blind Runt?" Alexis asks before looking at Runt.

"Her eyes. I can tell from their looks. But then how did you know where my brother was that day?" Runt asks.

"I heard a splash and well I do have other talents." Daria says.

"An amazing talent from the sounds of it." Alexis says.

"How did you even get up here?" Floyd asks as he walks over.

"Let's just say my brother has a talent for tree climbing just as I have a more nature based talent." Alexis says before the group hears barking.

"You brought them?" Daria asks in alarm.

"That sounds like Link and Lyle with some others from the pack." Alexis says.

"No I came to warn you! They'll come after you." Runt says.

"That's not good. We gotta find a place to get you safe Daria." Alexis says.

"You two know how to get to Rabbit Poo Mountain." Daria says.

"Yes." Runt says.

"It's a good bit of a journey from here but yes." Alexis says.

"Can you take me there?" Daria asks.

"Daria? Are you kidding? He's a pup! And the female you barely know. Things in common or not." Floyd says.

"We might have just met but I wouldn't hurt Daria. I wanna see her be safe." Alexis says.

"I am not a pup! I just look like one. My name is Runt. What's at Rabbit Poo Mountain?" Runt asks.

"Yes. Why do you want us to take you there?" Alexis asks before Daria tells Runt her story.

"So that's why you wanna go there so badly." Runt says.

"I left out where I was from when I told you Alexis because I wasn't sure I could trust you. I just Want to hear her voice. Just once." Daria says.

"I'm sorry Daria. I know what it's like to lose a parent. Whether it's by death or not. If your mother is there we'll help you get back to her. I promise... but first we should deal with Link and Lyle. Runt you go with Daria. I'll catch up after I take care of the wolves." Alexis says as she goes toward the entrance only for Runt to stop her.

"You won't have to Alexis. I told them to go to the river." Runt says.

"Well played runt. Very clever. You're turning into a very bright Omega." Alexis says as she smiles at Runt.

"So you didn't lead them here." Daria says.

"No. Daria we have to leave." Runt says.

"It's a trap." Floyd says.

"If we're gonna go then we need to go now. That trap won't work for long." Alexis says as Daria nods.

Seeing With The Heart Alpha And Omega: The Legend Saw Tooth Cave Daria X OC AlexWhere stories live. Discover now