Venturing Out Of The Cave

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"Right this way Daria." Runt says as the group is walking through the forest only for vines and branches to block their path.

"Okay we've got problems." Floyd says.

"Okay let's try this direction." Alexis says as the group changes direction only to get the same result.

"Every time we try to get out we get blocked. It's like the forest doesn't want you to leave." Runt says.

"Just get us out of here." Daria says.

"I'm trying. Floyd up and over the rocks!" Runt says as the group continue moving.


"Okay jump!" Runt says as he and Alexis are waiting for Floyd and Daria on the side of a small gap.

"No I can't." Daria says fearfully.

"Daria it'll be okay. Trust us. Jump." Alexis says.

"Jump!" Runt says.

"Daria it's okay. Straight ahead!" Floyd says.

"I... can't." Daria says fearfully before Floyd pricks her with his needles making her jump.

"Daria! Gotcha!" Alexis says as Daria nearly misses the ledge before Alexis catches her and pulls her up.

"Thank you Alexis." Daria says as she stands up.

"Told you that you could trust us." Alexis says.

"This Way to Poo Mountain. Quickly!" Runt says as the group runs off.


"Daria stay to your right." Floyd says as the group is running through a field.

"Ouch!" Daria says.

"Daria listen for my footsteps and stay close to me." Alexis says as she runs next to Daria.

"Aw at this pace it'll take us overnight to get there. My parents will come after me and my sister if they out we're gone." Runt says as the group stops.

"Well not so much me as they will you Runt. I'm an adult. I can handle myself." Alexis says.

"Oh great. The non-pup pup has a curfew." Floyd says as the group gets moving.

"Ouch." Alexis says as she feels something hit her back paw.

"That was me. Sorry Alexis." Daria says.

"It's all right. I don't mind." Alexis says as she smiles at Daria seeing her blush slightly before blushing herself.


"We've gotta keep going." Alexis says as the group is walking at night near a bridge.

"I can't even feel my legs." Daria says tiredly as the group walks onto the bridge.

"Runt, Alexis get me a leaf to chew on. My blood sugar is plummeting." Floyd says tiredly.

"Oh no! Don't fall asleep! Not here!" Alexis says in alarm as Floyd lays down on the bridge.

"Wake up! Wake up. You can't rest here." Runt says worriedly.

"This surface is so warm." Floyd says.

"Yeah and it'll be even warmer when you're road kill." Runt says.

"Just a twig and maybe in a few pine needles." Floyd says as he falls asleep.

"Okay coming up. Alexis?" Runt asks as he looks at Alexis.

Ddon't worry. We'll be right here Runt. Just hurry." Alexis says as Runt runs off.

"Hey you are okay right?" Daria asks as she looks at Floyd.

"Yeah. I can feel it on my back." Floyd says.

"Feel What?" Daria asks worriedly.

"I know what he's feeling. Daria we gotta move on the bridge. Now!" Alexis says in alarm as she looks at Daria.

"Move off the road! Move off!" Daria shouts.

"You're no fun. It feels so good." Floyd says as he doesn't move.

"This isn't the time for a nap. We gotta move!" Alexis says.

"Floyd right now! We have to move!" Daria shouts as she and alexis attempt to get Floyd to move before Alexis sees a truck and tackles Daria out of the way before pawing the ground quickly to cover Floyd in vines and ice as the truck passes over him.

"Floyd!" Runt shouts as he runs over before Alexis removes the vines and ice revealing Floyd is okay.

"It's okay Runt. I shielded him." Alexis says before she looks at Daria.

"Are you okay?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"Yes. How long have you been able to do that?" Daria asks.

"Wait. You know what I did? How?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I could smell the fresh ice and grassy scent of the ice and vines. I also felt vibrations when you pawed the ground. You saved our lives." Daria says as she smiles at Alexis causing her to smile.

"Just glad you're okay." Alexis says as she nuzzles Daria.

"What the- I just had a dream I was run over and covered with ice and some vines." Floyd says as he wakes up before he sees the truck and screams.

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