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"We're okay Daria." Alexis says as she nuzzles Daria before the two nuzzle runt as Kate and Humphrey come up with Floyd.

"Thank you." Daria says as she smiles.


"Oh look who's here." Winston says as the group walks up to him and Eve as they are with some porcupines.

"Grandpa Winston. Alexis and I want you to meet a friend of ours." Runt says.

"It's okay." Alexis says as she nuzzles a nervous looking Daria.

"My name is Daria." Daria says nervously.

"Daria's been living up in the cave by herself." Alexis says.

"Way up there? I bet the are wonderful. Oh my bad." Eve says as Tony walks up.

"That is Saw Tooth Cave." Tony says.

"And here I thought your story was a bunch of deer dung." Winston says.

"But that still doesn't explain the ghost." Tony says.

"Trust me. It's here." Winston says.

"And those are the two Witches." Link says as he and Lyle walk up looking at the two laughing porcupines.

"Grandpa I'm willing to bet if there is a ghost... it was only trying to protect Daria." Runt says.

"Grandpa Winston she needs a pack. She needs us. I feel it will benefit us all if she may stay." Alexis says as Daria smiles at her.

"Well it will require adjustments." Winston says.

"Dad she has amazing hearing. It will be for great hunts." Kate says as she smiles at Winston.

"Why does it always circle back to hunting with wolves?" Floyd asks.

"Come on. Let's welcome Daria. After all you heard it yourself from the king of the forest and his sister." Winston says as Alexis and Daria smile.

"You know Runt don't think we didn't you were out all night." Kate says.

"Yeah Son. Way past your curfew." Humphrey says.

"I'll take my licks. Mom, Dad! Is this any way treat to the King of the forest?" Runt asks as he laughs as Humphrey and Kate lick him.

*Timeskip 2 Months*

"You didn't have to take me out on a walk with you this morning Alexis." Daria says as she is closely following Alexis as the two walk through the woods.

"I wanted to. I enjoy your company." Alexis says happily.

"Yes but you're having to lead me. I can't see to know where I'm going." Daria says.

"Daria I don't mind. I honestly would rather your company than anyone else's." Alexis asks.

"Why?" Daria asks.

"Do I have to have a reason?" Alexis asks.

"I just think I'm helpless without someone around. I only survived thanks to Floyd. I don't contribute much." Daria says as she looks down as she and Alexis stop.

"Daria you are anything but helpless. I love being around you. Thats why I enjoy your company. You're amazing. You're beautiful, smart and strong. I admire that." Alexis says.

"You're beautiful too Alexis. I may not be able to see with my eyes but I am seeing with my heart. I'm really happy to know you. You make me happy." Daria says happily.

"You make me happy too Daria." Alexis says happily.

"Alexis um I was wondering but could we be mates? I understand females being mates is not looked upon but I don't care. I love you..." Daria says as she smiles.

"I love you too... Yes we can certainly be mates. To heck with the law. I don't care long as we're together." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Me too." Daria says as she and Alexis nuzzle.

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