3 | blueprints

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(HI I FINALLY SAW THE MARIO MOVIE HCNFJDJDJSJS!!!/POS also enjoy the fucking shit i decided to do at the end of the chapter, im tired and thought it would be funny, ALSO please feel free to criticize this shit, im still rather new to writting and it would be so helpful to me :D!! Also i skipped the mall stuff bc BOOORING and its not too important)

Nearing the end of the small trip through nearly every store in the mall, Kooky huffed, "Are we done yet?" He rubbed his eyes, "Just about, we just gotta find the other two now." Ludwig shrugged, he was the one carrying everything for the two of them, hopping onto an escalator for probably the 40th time.

Kooky however, didn't feel like waiting

Annnnd decided to run down the escalator rather than wait like a patient kid, nearly tripping and falling as he reached the floor, Kooky looked back up to Ludwig, who was almost at the end of the escalator, Ludwig just facepalmed, huffing as he stepped off of the escalator. "Kid if you fall I'm laughing at you." Ludwig hummed, "Well I didn't!" Kooky crossed his arms and laughed, walking off with Ludwig, back towards the entrance,

Kooky saw Wendy and Pom Pom sitting on a bench in the distance and just ran towards them, leaving Ludwig behind in the dust.

Kooky ran up to them giggling, watching as Ludwig did his best to catch up,

"Oh, Heya there Kooky!" Pom Pom chuckled" also watching Ludwig pretty much running over towards them,

Kooky took a seat on the floor as Ludwig eventually made it over there, huffing and also sitting down. "I called Iggy, they're gonna come pick us up." Wendy chuckled, looking at the two boys, both pretty much out of breath. "Iggy is a horrible 'driver' Wendy." Ludwig huffed, "Blame the chain chomp." Pom Pom shrugged with a laugh, going through one of her bags, "Yeah, it might be a rough ride but it's a fast one." Wendy chuckled,

Wendy was just scrolling through the internet on a small phone-like device, coming across something and laughing at it, before anyone could say anything she pointed the phone right at Ludwig, making him watch the video. Ludwig started laughing at it a bit, Kooky just tilted their head a bit, confused.

"What even is that?" Ludwig asked, raising a brow, "No idea!" Wendy kept laughing, 

Kooky just shrugged,

Kooky watched as people in the mall walked in and out, the different people everywhere, Kooky sighed, just waiting.

It was their least favorite activity.

Time passed, waiting and waiting

"BOO!" Someone shouted at the group, Kooky screamed like a little girl, so did Ludwig though.

"FUCKS SAKE IGGY-" Ludwig shouted at the doofus with a green ponytail Iggy just burst out laughing, "BWAHAHA! You shoulda seen the look on your face Luds!" They continued to laugh, Iggy pushed their glasses up a bit and wiped their eyes. "Woohoo… that was funny!" Iggy chuckled, "Now c'mon loser's! Let's go!" They walked off, pointing towards the door.

Kooky quickly followed right behind Iggy, the other three stood back behind a bit, chatting amongst themselves as the group walked out into the parking lot that was littered with clown cars, ships, and other sorts of vehicles, even a few karts!

"Soo- Kooky, when we get back to the castle wanna start tryna make that machine of your's?" Iggy asked, not even looking down at Kookt as they spoke, "Sure!" Kooky smiled, "Are you gonna help me?" Kooky asked, looking up at Iggy,

"Duh!" Iggy laughed "What kinda friend would I be if I didn't?" They continued, now looking down right at Kooky.

Kooky nodded, Walking up to an odd vehicle, it was essentially just a large disk with wheels with a chain chomp attached,

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