115 3 7

[After a WOAH BUNCH (whole bunch) of arguing, Leafy and Book finally sort out their differences]

Book: So you're not going to kill me anymore?
Leafy: I guess not.
Book: Oh, PHEW! I thought I was dead back there! Anyway, I could help you get back to Goiky, if you want. I was going there too.
Book: No... problem?

[They hop into the stolen Freesmart Supervan]

Leafy: Do you know what all of these buttons do?
Book: It's been a while. Uhh. I think that button is for the radio-
Leafy: A RADIO?
Book: Y-yeah, but... you... really... shouldn't... use it...

[Leafy turns it on]

Book: ...because it'll broadcast our exact coordinates to the Freesmart Clubhou- HEY! LEAFY! TURN THAT OFF!

[A song gushes out of the speakers at a gazillion decibels]


[Book quickly turns off the radio]

Leafy: Hey. Uh. What was that song?
Book: ...Nothing. Nothing important.

[Leafy presses another button. A container with neon blue MAN SCENTED goop in it comes out of a chute in the back of the van]

Leafy: ...?
Book: Oh! That's 3 in 1 hair and body wash!
Leafy: But. But you only said two thin-
Book: And toothpaste!
Leafy: 😦

[Leafy unpresses the button. The container of neon blue MAN SCENTED goop is undispensed from the chute in the back of the van]

Book: Maybe you should stop pressing random buttons...?
Leafy: Yeah. Yep. I'm good.

[Leafy continues to drive the Freesmart Supervan in silence]




[As the van approaches Freesmart Headquarters, she notices a fire]

Book: GAH! WHAT IN THE LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRILeafy: wait shh I hear Something Book: ok

[Leafy parks the van quite a distance away from the fire and gets out to get a scope of the situation]

Leafy: Oh. This is...

[Everything goes black]

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