I hate hospitals

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"oh my god"
I opened the door to see jj laying there on the floor his face was full of blood,his eyes were open and he was still moving.He was holding his lower stomach."jj!"i shouted.I kneeled down and held him in my arms."hey hey what happened"i asked.I lifted his shirt up and saw that he'd been stabbed.Blood was coming out so fast.I applied pressure to it and called an ambulance."h-hi i need an ambulance someone's been stabbed he's bleeding please hurry up please."i said."k-kie?"jj managed to say."hey hey jj shhhh they're coming,just stay with me please jayj"i said while crying.JJs eyes started to close."no,no jj"
I felt his pulse.He was barely still alive but he was breathing."no!"
"jj noo!"
I took his shirt off and tied it on his wound.I heard a door slam.Just then the monster burst into the room."YOU,YOU DID THIS"i shouted."what the fuck are you doing here"he said."WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU"i shouted.I looked down at luke's hand and saw the knife.He came back to finish what he started.I heard jjs distant whimpers and i looked down to see him looking at me.I grabbed a bat from jjs bed and charged at him with it hitting him in the head.He pushed me up against the wall.I hit my head really hard.Luke   tried to stab me but i grabbed his arm and twisted it he only managed to slice my arm before he dropped the knife.I punched him and pushed him to the floor.I picked up the knife.All i could think about was killing him right here,right now.I turnt back around to jj and stroked his hair.I kissed his forehead."n-no"he said weakly.I turnt around and luke was up he punched me in the face and held me up to the wall."k-kie"jj said weakly.Luke held his hands around my neck.We heard sirens in the distance.Luke let go of me and i coughed.He ran out the front door but didn't get very far."POLICE!"
The paramedics came into the room and put jj on a stretcher and brought him out to the van.Luke was in handcuffs."Your going to jail for a long time maybank"a officer said.I hoped into the ambulance.We got to the hospital and they rushed jj into a room immediately.They were operating on him.I was watching from outside.I heard the machine start beeping fast and i broke into the room."What's happening"i asked.JJ started shaking.I couldn't control my tears.All the doctors rushed into the room and started working on him.When i heard the noise i've dreaded.

The machine flatlining.

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