Chapter 11 : Henderson

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Steve's Pov

It's been 2 days. I haven't seen Sofie. I wanted to apologize for the other day but I just couldn't find the words. I didn't know what to apologize for or how to apologize. 

I'll figure it out eventually. 

I spent almost all afternoon trying to find the perfect flowers. I know, I could just choose any flowers but I know how Sofie is. She has a thing with flowers. Her favorite are carnations. I don't really know many flowers by name but I know these. They've always been her favorite. 

I just couldn't find the right ones. She liked the white ones but she loved the baby pink ones. 

I didn't feel like walking around like an idiot anymore so I walked over to the counter. 

"How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for a bouquet of carnations. Preferably baby pink if you have any."

"I think I have some. Let me check." The man walked around the counter and passed me. 

I followed him to the back of the store. 

"So, who are these for? Did you upset your girlfriend or something?" The man joked. 

"Something like that." I responded. 

"Here we are. The last one. You're lucky." The man laughed as he showed me the bouquet. "Do you want me to write a card for it?"

"No, it's fine. I'm taking it to her. I hope she likes them." We walked back over to the front counter. 

He rang me up and handed the flowers to me. 

"Can I give you a bit of advice son?"

"Sure. Why not."

"Whatever you did or didn't do, don't blame it on her. Don't even blame it on yourself. If you guys are really in love, everything will work out fine. Goodluck son." 

"Thanks." I smiled and let his words sink in. 

I was going to make this right, but first I needed to go to the grocery store. I can't apologize without white powdered donuts. They could possibly save me if I say something stupid. 

I had everything I needed except the words. I have no idea what I'm going to say. I pulled out my receipt and started drafting what I wanted to say. By the time I was done writing and rehearsing everything it was almost sundown. 

On the drive over to her house I was rehearsing my speech. 

I parked my car and got out. I pulled out the flowers and the powdered donuts. I was muttering my speech on the way to the door when I saw someone walking towards me. 

It was a kid from last year. The small one that's friends with Will. He has curly hair. I don't know why I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize what he was doing. 

"Sof isn't home." Was all he said as he ripped the flowers out of my hands. 

"What the hell, dipshit!" I tried to snatch the flowers back but he was already walking towards my car. 

"Do you still have the bat?"

"Bat? What bat?"

"The one with the nails." He responded, mocking me a little. 

"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked towards the car.

"There are bigger problems than your love life right now. I need your help. Let's go. " 

I stopped and stared at him confused. 

"Now!" He pulled open the passenger door and got in. 


"I'll explain it on the way. Let's go." 

"What is going on?" I muttered as I walked over to my side. 

God, I thought this day was going to end well. I guess not. 

Dustin Henderson was one annoying little shit. Bossing me around on the drive over to his house. I could have left him on the side of the road if I wanted to, but I didn't. Only out of the kindness of my heart. 

"Can I have these?" Dustin asked, picking up the powdered donuts. 

"Yeah. Sofie wasn't there anyway." 

He opened the pack and started scarfing them down. 

"Slow down, dude. You're gonna choke or something." I said, as I continued the drive to his house. 

"What did you do anyway. I thought you and Sofie were just friends."

"We are, but I said some things and I wanted to apologize. Now explain why I am presently driving you to your house. Couldn't you have just biked there?"

"There was an incident and I need your help."

"What did you do, Henderson?" I sighed. 

After several minutes of explaining I was annoyed. The sun had gone down and my original plan of making up with Sofie was completely dead. Now I was driving with a child to fight a lizard thing. 

"Are you sure it's not a lizard?"

"No. For the last time, it is not a lizard."

"How big did you say it was?"

"Like this." He extended his arms to the length he estimated it was.

"Lizards can be that big."

"It's not a lizard!"

"How can you be so sure?!"

"Because it's face opened up and it ate my cat!" 

We both went silent after that. The rest of the drive was quiet. I could hear Dustin moving around in his seat. He would look over at me, out the window, and then rummage around the cars compartments. 

"Henderson, what are you doing?"

"I don't know. I'm nervous."

"Why did you keep it? This thing." 

"Because it's my friend."

"It ate your cat."

"We're friends!" He snapped. 

"Jesus." I whispered as I pulled into his driveway. 

It's gonna be a long night. 

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