Chapter 15 : It's a trap

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"Sofia, thank you for joining us." One of the scientists sitting at the table in front of me said. I was so confused, I don't even know that guy. 

"Why am I here?" 

"Please take a seat." Dr. Owens said. 

I roughly pulled out the chair in front of me and sat down. Everyone sitting at the table was staring at me. 

"Is anyone going to say anything?" I was annoyed. 

"Sofia, there is something very wrong with your brother" The scientist sitting to my right began. "and at the rate that things are going he is going to be lost by the end of the day." 

"What does 'gone' mean?"

"His memory loss. He can't remember simple things. There is nothing we can do for him anymore."

"Then why are we still here? He should be transferred! To a real hospital!" 

"Sofia, he is receiving the best treatment." 

"No he's not! What are you treating him for? Because as far as I know you guys don't know what the hell you're doing! You're killing my brother!" 

"Sofia, please calm down." 

"No! If there is nothing that you can do for him anymore, what the hell are we doing here?!" 

"There is one last resort. We think that we can use something to figure out what's wrong but no matter what, we cannot help him." 

"Then why are you telling me this? I don't fucking care what you want to do if it's not going to help him." At this point, Dr. Owens had been called out of the room and I was arguing with a complete stranger. 

"It's you. You are the last resort." He concluded. 


"If we can't figure what is wrong with your brother from here, you need to force it out of him. Torture his mind, get into his head. Whatever you need to do. It's not like he'll remember it anyway." 

I was in shock. These people are absolutely insane. 


"I'm afraid you don't have a choice." 

"I do have a choice. My answer is no. You're fucking insane." I stood up and started heading towards the door. When I pulled on it, it didn't open. "Open the door." 

"Sofia, you have to do this. It's not an option anymore." 

"It's starting to sound like it was never an option to begin with." 

"Sofia, you don't have a say in this. Your brother's sacrifice is for the greater good." 

"I'm not killing my brother. Open the door." 

I was so busy arguing with the one scientist that I didn't even notice when almost all of the other scientists left the room. Leaving me with 2. They were walking towards me and cornering me. 

"Sofia, you have to do this. You're going to do this." 

"Get away from me." 

"Hold her."

"What are you doing?! Get off of me!" They had both grabbed onto each of my arms and started pulling me towards the other doors at the other end of the room. "Let go of me! Even if you do this to me, you can't make me do anything!" 

We were halfway down the hallway when I heard shouting from further down the hallway. 

"We've been waiting! Where are they?!" It was Mom. 

"Mrs. Byers, they are speaking with your daughter." 

"Mom! Mom help me!" 

"Sofie?" I watched her turn around. "Hey! Let go of my kid!" 

"Mrs. Byers, please we need her to do something for us." One of the scientists holding my arm said. 

"That's not true! They want me to hurt Will!" 

"Let go of my daughter." She said slowly while walking over to us. 

"Mrs. Byers you're making a mistake."

"Let her go." 

"We can't do that Mrs. Byers."

She got closer and tried to pull me away from them. 

"Let go!" Mom struggled. 

"Hey! What is going on here?!" I heard from behind us. 

The scientists turned around and pulled me with them. It was Dr. Owens. 

"Sam-" One of them began. 

"What are you doing? Let her go!" Dr. Owens exploded at them. They let go of me and I rushed over to Mom. 

"Now, both of you in my office."

"But Sam-"


They all slowly retreated down the hall, following Dr. Owens. I waited until they were out of sight to turn and hug Mom. 

"That was so scary." I squicked out into Mom's shoulder. 

"Are you okay baby?" Mom asked holding my face. 

"I am now." She walked me back over to Will's room. 

I sat back down next to Mike. It took a while for my breathing to regulate, but I got there eventually. I never thought I would be pulled and tossed around like that because of powers ever again. The last time that happened to me was with Brenner. 

I closed my eyes and continued to focus on my breathing. I had started to doze off but I felt Mike's leg bouncing against mine. I sat up and looked over at him.

"You okay?" I mouthed to him when he looked over at me. 

He nodded his head and slumped back in his chair. It was growing quiet in the room when I heard Will inhale a sharp breath. I looked over at him and he was looking around all of us. His eyes were glossy like he was about to start crying.

"Will, buddy are you okay?" I asked as I stood up and walked over to his bed. 

"I'm sorry" He croaked out. 

"Sorry about what?" Mom asked him just as confused as I was. 

"They shouldn't have done that." He let out shakily. 

"Done what?" Mike asked also confused.

"They shouldn't have done that. It upset him." Will cried out into the room. 

I let what he said register in my mind. 

"I don't know. It was like a shadow. It was cold. It was so cold. I could feel it. I can feel it now. It's still in me. I just want this to be over!"

"The monster. He's a spy." I whispered confirming the worst when Will looked in my direction. 

"What?" Mom looked over at me. 

"He's a spy!" Mike rushed out to Mom louder. 

"We have to warn them!" I started walking quickly towards the door. 

"Warn them of what?" Mom asked even more confused than before. 

"It's a trap!" Mike shouted as we started running down the hall. 

The closed doors with guards in front of them came into view.

"We need to get through!" I shouted trying to push them out of the way. 

The guards were holding me back. 

"It's a trap!" Mike shouted trying to get around them, but now Bob was holding him back. 

"We have to warn them! It's a trap! It's a trap!" 

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