Ayaka's sweet club

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Ayaka First Person POV

"Gah, do I really have to go to school?" I ask Sojiro who's looking at me with a deadpan face 'Not even a proper response' "At least say something" I pout at the man who looks amused at my suffering

"Kid, It's just school, it won't kill you" Sojiro says preparing my coffee, 'That aroma will never fail to capture my heart' "Besides, you need to make friends." I look at him like he's crazy, "I have too many already! Rise-Chan keeps texting me! I don't want another annoyance" I groan but in reality I love Rise-chan, I'm glad she's always asking how I am even though she's really busy.

"You need friends your age" Sojiro places down the coffee 'Hawaiin Kona, the aroma is so complex, I love this bean. It's so rich in flavor too' "I have Ken so that argument sucks, besides! I have Taba with me" I say sipping and savoring the flavor of the coffee.

"Maybe I should wait for the delinquent, I forgot his name though" Sojiro looks at me clearly not amused by the idea "I said make friends not associate yourself with trouble" Why'd he take him in then? what a Tsundere.

"Tell Taba I can't wait for her to wake up, I have to go now." I pick up my bag, fixed my tie and got ready to go! "Oh yeah! Is my umbrella here or at home?" I stretch waiting for Sojiro to respond "Should be in the house entrance" I decided to go and get it now before the guy he's taking care of wakes up and Sojiro goes tsundere grumpy mode.

"There we go, now time to head to class."


"Glad I brought this umbrella" I mutter at the station, I spot a blonde girl waiting, 'must've forgotten her umbrella' Time to do what a good Heiress would do.

I slowly approach the girl "Hey? Do you need an umbrella? We could go together" I say realizing she's a little taller than me.

She looks at me clearly unsure and unfamiliar with my face, "Sure! That'd be great!" Oh wow, energetic. "Here,  I think I'm too small to hold it for us, would you mind?" I could hold it but it'd be tiring. "Sure thing, I've never seen you before are you a transfer?" I just nod

"Ayaka Kocho, First year" She looks at me with an 'o' face "Oh you're my junior then! I'm Ann Takamaki, Second year. It's nice to meet you!" What a nice girl, reminds me of Rise a little
"Nice to meet you too Takamaki-Senpai" she takes the umbrella but before we could start walking a car stop in front, "Need a lift?" some ugly man asks Takamaki-senpai, radiates bad vibe energy. "Sorry, she's walking me to school, I'm a transfer so I don't know my way around." I smile fakely. "Yeah! sorry Sensei I wanna show her the way" Takamaki-senpai smiles, looks fake and forced.

"Thanks, by the way for that" Ann says to me, I finally take in how pretty she actually is, bright blue eyes and twin pony tails. "No problem, he looks and sounds like a creep" We start walking, I hear a shout behind something about a 'Kamoshida' but I pay it no mind, neither does Takamaki-senpai I believe

She giggles at what I said "You don't know the half of it, stay away from him alright Kocho?"
Gross I hate formalities, I get enough at family meetings. "Please call me Ayaka, Takamaki-Senpai, you are walking me to school after all" I ask with a soft smile. "Sure thing! Only if you call me Ann though, Takamaki-Senpai sounds too formal for me" she laughs

Finally school, doesn't even look like one, seriously? Shujin? Prison? Designed like one too. "Thanks Ann, I'll find my way to the faculty! I don't wanna make you late" she flashes me a smile, how energetic "No probs! I'll be in the second year classroom if you ever need my help" 
"Now, to find my way there" I mumble walking inside not noticing the glaring creep from the gate.


Found it after 10 minutes of walking "Thank you Hiruta-Sensei" I bow after he explains the class schedule and school rules, "How polite, now on to class Kocho-san" Hiruta says somehow amused by my politeness, oh boy I'll hate this guy.

After hours of boring lessons I already know, lunch break has arrived. I make my way to the cafeteria before hearing a familiar voice "Ayaka-san!" I turn around to see Ann-chan with someone else.

"Ann-Chan hello!" I greet her and the friend with a small wave "Eat with us! this is Shiho by the way!" Ann says dragging me to a table.

"I could've walked you know" I say rubbing my arms, "eheh sorry I got excited, not everyday you make a new friend" She joked but it feels more real? "I suppose that's true, it's nice to meet you by the way Shiho-San" I bow at her before she giggles "No need to bow, it's nice to meet you too"

I bring out my bento, it's not really lunch but.... "Wow, that's a lot of sweet Ayaka-san!" Ann looks at me surprised and delighted, finally another sweet enthusiast. "Want some?" I offer her mochi and I offer Shiho-san some Dango, they gladly take it and I have decided, "We're the Tea time club now, we eat sweets and drink tea" I state, with them nodding to my declaration.

We say our pleasantries before heading back to class. Nothing else note worthy happened, just boring lessons. I can't wait to go back home, cuddle with Futaba and then sleep to death.


Authors Note : Wanted more Shiho and Ann interaction but that'll come later, I'll be changing some stuff that happens in Canon.

Also expect fluff next chapter, it'll be short though.

Also don't expect clarification why she comes to school late, she's basically just a more social Futaba.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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