Chapter 2

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"So you're telling me that after his mother asked you to ditch him, you're back with him? Am I missing something here, Ella?" her friend Joy asked as the two of them sat cross-legged in her living room. The day had been an exhausting one and she never wanted to repeat it again. After leaving Miles' home, he dropped her off with a gruff "We'll talk again." Joy stared at her with her soft brown eyes and tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Her friend had arrived wearing a swimsuit after coming home from the beach. She had wrapped one of Ella's soft blankets around her shoulders and she looked like the perfect cover model. She reached for a carrot from the plate of veggies and chewed it as she leaned forward.

"Ella, why are you being like this? You never go back on your words."

"I didn't say I was going to take him back," Ella said in her defense. "I never said yes to him. I just...didn't say no."

Laughing, Joy replied, "Oh my God! My mother was right. Love can make you do stupid things. If you go back, Ella, his mother will take this opportunity to really torture you. She might even skin you alive."

Ella rubbed her eyes and sighed heavily. "Look, you know how broken I've been over him. It wasn't my choice to leave him and these past few years, I've had nothing but nightmares. I can't focus and my life is a mess. I'm not saying I'm going to go back with him and everything will be ok again. But perhaps I just need closure from him, to finally close that chapter. Besides, I did like how he stood up for me when his mother was yelling."

Joy laughed. "It was a one time moment, Ella, and it was only because he didn't know. What if he doesn't do it again and she breaks havoc on you whenever she sees you?"

"We're not dating," Ella said sternly. "We're just acknowledging each other."

"Right and I won the lottery." Ella rolled her eyes as her phone dinged from a text message. She picked it up and the words, "Meet me for lunch tomorrow. Our old favorite spot at noon. Miles," came across the screen. Joy took the phone from her and read it. Then she looked up at her and gave her a smile.

"Looks like Miles thinks you're back together. You might have to break his heart again."

The old favorite spot was a tiny lake with a field of wild flowers with tall grasses that hid the meadow. It was a gem, really, and Miles had discovered it with one of his real estate friends and decided to make it their secret spot. She arrived to find Miles already standing, waiting for her, wearing the favorite sweater she liked and a pair of black slacks that made him look taller. She felt underdressed as she had simply put on shorts and a top. He extended a hand to her and she kept her distance. The light in his eyes died and he lowered his hand.

"Must I make you wear my ring in order for you to stay with me?" he asked.

Ella laughed and she crossed her arms. "I once thought I'd like to wear your ring, Miles. But after all this, I feel we can only grow apart. I can't ever get rid of your mother's words to me. I can't bear for you to shove her in the dark either. I know what it's like to have one parent and it hurts."

"I've only grown up with one parent my whole life, Ella, so spare me the lesson. I don't care what my mother has to say. I've never loved anyone like I've loved you. Must I remind you what hell I've been in since you left?"

She walked to him. "Why do you love me so much, Miles? You can have anyone in the world. Why me?"

Reaching for her, he pulled her closer to him and gathered her into his arms. He looked into her eyes gently and then touched her cheek. "Must you ask? Do you not know the reason why? When we come together as one, it is only then that I feel as if I have found my balance in the world. If you take that away from me, I will lose everything." He bent down and touched her cheek with his lips. "I can't bear the thought of another man touching you. What I have seen, it is only for my eyes alone. What I have tasted, it is only for me to know. Everything about you has been branded by me, the deepest, most sacred parts of you, I know it all. I am selfish and I want it only for me." He stole a kiss from her lips before he straightened and she had to steady herself.

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